Opened, and appliedfromCgaIsTs Prieftly-Office. Whatan infiniteTrutt is here; that God the Father bath put,upon him ! Then let us conclude, ifthat Trait do ar- gue favour; and the Lord jefus Chrift, our High -Prieft, hath Inch a great trait as this put intohis handsby the Fa- ther; what infinite Acceptance mull he needs have. with God the Father. In the Third place, : Suppofe that he have all this favour, andAcceptance in heaven, Doth be Improve this his Favour, andAcceptancefor our Acceptance, and for our Favour ? Yes, He Improves all this his favour, and acceptance, for our acceptance, and does plant all our Prayers, and Duties, upon his own acceptance. Lord, (faith he unto hisFather concerningbeleevers) Iwill, thatwhen J am, they may be al fo : Iwill, 0Lord, that they may be One, even as thou Father and I am one. Hedoth not count himfelf fall, and happy, but in the happinefs, and fulnefs of the Church. And therefore, as Chrift is called, The fulnefs of God the Father : So the Church is called, The fulnefs of Jefua Chriti : in the I. ofthe Ephefians, and the lafiverfe; Which is his body, the,fulnefs'ofhim thatfilleth all in all. When our Lord and Saviour Chritt came to die, and the heart and loveof God the Father was let out unto him : Ye (hall find, ifye look upon that 17. ofjohn, and reade it all dict4:, That he fpends his time, not fo much in praying for Pelf :' The time was but /bort, and his prayer (port,, Fat` ifit Polfibk let this clippaffe : ifnot,yet not my Will, but shirk be done. - But he fpends molt of the time; in praying, and interceding for thole that did beleeve, or fbould afterwa, beleeve. The favour, and acceptance which the High Prieft had, in the times, of Mofes, wasnot for hirnielf : had Mitre upon his head; and a golden girdle upon his loynes, Prieftly garments; and he had great acceptance when he went into the Holy oil-Jolla; but it was not for hirnfelf, he did improve it all for, the people:: he was to lay it out all' for the people, ani for hitrifelf. ."goes beyondall other1-11.017.Priefli in this par- ticular alio for now, as for other High-Priefts,' tho,tigh 1 'they Qt!efi. 3.