1 1 t . en opened, and appyeafrom t...-at sTs mealy-office: 61 thole Duties that we'offer up toGod the Father : faith he, in the t6.Chap. and the 26. verf. At that dayyefhall akin my name : and I fay not unto ye, that I will pray the father for you.: for the father hingfelf loves you. It is a mighty high fpeech. Idon't fay, That I will pray for you : Ye fhall have fo much favour and love in Heaven, from the Father imediately, that he will hear you prefently. I, but is not all upon Chrifts account ? Yes, and therefore faith he, at the 13. verfe of the 14. chapter, Whatfoever ye fhall aske in] my name, that will Ido, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. So that all is upon Chrifts account. Great was the teftimony of .Chrifts acceptance which he had from Hea- ven, This is my beloved Son, inwhom Iam wellpleafed. Now ifwe look into the Scripture,'we (hall find, that the fame words are given unto theSaints. Is the Lord Jefus Chrift called the SonofGod ? My beloved Son,: So- are Belee- vers too ; At many as receive him, have power to be called the Sons of God. Is hecalled, The Beloved Son of God ? This is my beloved Son: So are the Saints alfo; In the 31. chapter, ofJeremy, at the 2o. verfe. Ephraimmy deer Son, apleafant child. Ephraim; that is, lfrael, my deer Son, a pleafant child. Well, Is it Paid, In whom l am wellpleafed? my be- loved Son, in whom I am well pleafed : The fame word alfo is given tomen. When our Lord and Saviour Chrift wasborn into the world, theAngels they came and fung,at his birth, and they fung, Good will towards men ; Sowe made it : but it isthe fame word that is tied concerning Chrift himfelf, My belovedSon, in whom I am well pleafed. So that whatfoever word there is inall this fpeech. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleated : whatfoe- ver word thereis in that fentence concerning chrift,,tis gi- venalfo unto the Saints, unto Beleevers; fo greatly does he improve his own favour & acceptance for our acceptance, and fa great acceptance have we through Chrift. Yea, As theLord jefus Chrift is laid to be made En.for us,in theAbftra&: So are we laid to be made Righteoufnef- Ices byhim; in the Abfkaa too : As wehavelt, in the i. of the