Opened, andapplied fromCIIRISTS Prieftly-Office. 53 hake, towards the making of the Tabernacle, theywere welcome : and (hall it not be to now, much more in the times of the Gof.pel ? That which is little, in regard o f Otantity, it maybe great, in regardof Proportion ; as the widdows mitewas. ThpSun fals (we know)with a com- mon influence upon all the Herbs, and Plants : but there is a feveral fweetnefs, and flowers that areofa feveral, and different growth : There is the Rofe, and there is the Vio- let : TheViolet isnot fo Tall as the Role, the Violet lies on theground ; but though the Violet be not fo tall as the Role, the Violet hath its fweetneffe ; and it may fay to the Role, Though I benot fo tall, yet'I have my fweetnefs as well as thou haft. So now, there is a common influence from Jefus Chrift upon all the Saints, and they have their feveral fweetnefs ; one as theRole, and the other as the Vi- olet : It may be, here lies a poor Chatham upon theground like the Violet, and is not fo tall in Gifts and Parts as the other is; but yet notwithftanding, he hath his fweetnefs. Chrift takes that lovingly that comes from love, whatever itbe though it be never fo weak. Well, But ftippofe that a mans Duty, or Service be performed with manyfailings, infirmities; Hardne .f? of heart, Straightnef? of#irit,difiratfing thoughts; this if my cafe : Oh! if there any acceptanceforfuck al:hay as this is ? will the LordYefus thegreat High-Prieft, takefilch aDuty as this is, and carry it in unto God the Father, and is there any acceptance forfilch a Duty as this We know how it waswith Nicodemus, and the woman that came trembling, and touched thehem of Chrills gar- ment. Andwe -muff know that in everyduty, thatwe do performe, there are Two things : There is the < Sacrifice; and there is the Obedience in offering the Sacrifice. Though the Sacrifice maybeimperfe&, yet your Obedience inoffering the Sacrifice, may be perfeEt, with Gofpel-per- tion. ;Thin regardof our Duties, as in regard of our Perfons; never think that God will deal otherwife with our. Duties, than he deals with our Perfons. The Lord came Anfw.