0.pened, and appliedfrom GERI s s Priefily-Cffice. 67 acceptance, and according to thefe we 11-all be fudged Surely then, ifhe takes our Duties and carries them in for acceptance, untoCod theFather, he will never judge you for them, andcondemn you for them atthat day. Here is Comfort ! Once more, Is it not a Comfort, for spoor begger to be relieved at a rich-mans door? We are al beggers in regard of Heaven ; and the Lord Jefus Chrift, he does not only come forth and serve us, but he takes us (poor beggers) by the hand,and leads us in tohis Father. Ch! what Comfort is here ! what Comfort is here ! IndeedifI were axle to fay, 2hat the Lorddidaccept my Duty, thin were Comfort indeed; ifI were able to conclude, That the Lord efus Cbrtjt did takemy Prayers, andmy IJuties, and carry them in untoGod:the Father; this werefweet confblation: but how pall I know that ? Ifthe Lord jefus Chrift be ourHigh-Prieft, then we may fay alfo, that he takes our duties, and carries them in for acceptance unto Uod theFather: ifwe may fay that Jefus Chrift hath fatisfied for us, and loth intercedefor us, then we may fay alfo, that he takes our duties, and carries them for acceptance unto God the Father. But yet a little further, to bring this Comfort nearer to your hearts z give me leave to appeal to you Whofoever thou art that makes this Obje6tion Didit thounever find a fpiritual fire come down from Hea- ven (as it were) upon thy heart in Duty, or after Duty? In the times ofthe old-Teitament, if they offered upa facri- fice, and a material fire came down fromHeaven and burnt up the facrifice to afhes, it was a certain teitimony, that the facrifice was accepted. Now in the times oftheGocpel we malt not expea material fire to comedown upon eur Du- ties: But hath the Lordat any time caufed an imard,and fpiritual fire to fall down upon thy heart, warming thy fpitit in Dude? there the Lord (peaks thus much to thee; Thy facrifice is turn'd into allies, and it is/accepted by Je- fus Chrift. 2 Again Obj. 4nf, T.