Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, and applyed fromCilium PrieflirOffice. 73 And now here, in this Y 7. of Matthew, at the transfigure- don, Mofes and Elias appeared, which they did not in the 3. of Matthew. Firif, Confider , that the Finphafis may lie upon the word Hear, and not upon the word Rim, only : This is my belovedSon in whom I am well"leafed : Hearye him; His face did thine as the San, and his rayment was white as the light. And Chrift appeared in great glory, and they flood lookingupon him ; Nay, (faies the Lord fromHea- ven) donot make it a gazing matter, but, Hear him : don't nand looking upon'him, but Hear him. He don't appear in fuch a glory in the 3. ofMatthew, when he was bapti- zed ; and therefore thofe words are not added there. Eutagain, Here now in the 17. Chapter ofMatthew, at the Transfiguration, appears 114ofix, and Elias. Behold (at the 3. verfe) There appeared unto them, Motesand Elias talngwith him. Mofes that gave the Law; Elias that re- Itored it. Then anfwered Peter andfaid unto lefus Lord, 'tit goodfor us to be here : ifthou wilt, let us make here Three Taber- nacles; onefor Thee, and onefor Mofes andonefor Elias. Peter and fo thereft of the Difciples, began for to equallize Mo- fes toJefus Chri : One for Moles, and one for Elias, and one for Jefus Chrift ; no more for Chrift than for /Wafts. Now the Lord takes Peter off from all his mifiakings : Your eye is upon Mofes (faith he) but I (faith the Lord God A l- mighty)amwel pleafed in my Son: This is my beloved Son in whom I amwell pleafed. I am well pleafed with you, and with your Duties, through this my Son, and not through Moles; and therefore Hear Chriff, and not Mo.. fee. He laies this in upon it, that therefore they thould be 'Evangelical, and hearJefus Chaff, becaufe the Lord Chrift gives acceptance untoall, and by him God is well pleafed with them. Again further, The more glory Chrift does appear in, the greater reafon there is why wefhouldhear him. Now here the Lord Jefus Chriff appeared in glory; his face did thine as theSun, and hisraiment was white as the light. In the 3. of u. a.