Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

90 :Aeyelatiort of the Apocalypfe. C A P. 3 15, I know thy works, that thouart neither cold nor hot: I would thouwet eft cold or hot. 16 Therefore, becaufe thou art luke-warme and nei- ther coldnor hot, it will come to paffe, that I fhall fpew thee out of mymouth. 17 For thou fayeft,I am rich,and increafedwith goods, and have need of nothing, andknoweft not how thou art wretched, and mniferable, andpoor, and blinde, and na- ked. 18 Icounfell thee tobuy ofme gold tryed by the fire, that thoumayeft be made rich : and white raiment, that thou mayeft beclothed, and that thy filthy nakedneffe do not appear:and annoint thine eyes with eye -falve that thou mayeít fee. 19 As manyas I love,I rebuke and chaften : be zealous therefore and amend. to Behold,I ftandat thedoor,and knock.If any man hear my voice and open the door,I will come in unto him, and will fupwith him, and he with me. 2 r To him that overcometh will I grant to fit with me in my throne, even as I overcame,, and fit with my Father inhis throne. 2 2 Let him that hash an ear, hear what the Spirit faith unto the Churches. The Analyfis, or Refolution of the Chapter, as alfa of the Epiítle to them of Sardis. °Here be three Epifles of this Chapter. One to themofSandie 1 another to them ofPhiladelphia ; the 14 to them ofLaodiceet.Nei- therare they Without carafe tnclofedin one Chapter, Peeing they have .a conditionfomeWhat differingfrom the former. For theformer, at they Werenfafurtherdifiance onefrom the other, fo they had Counterpains ofR larger dstance oftime. Bast these Churches areboth disjoynedWith lef fer di:ancesofplaceene from the other ; and We fhallfinale alto the counter-anfWersng Churches to eachof them, to be more neerely joyned together in (paceof time, The