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400 - 'the .state bf the Chtwrcl)- SAP. a. beloveds callinb her from a far off, and hadbeen fmitten with a bd. den joy for the newne{fe of the matter, even that which fhe chiefly defired. Now in this whole preparation, KingCyrus reprefenteth the perfon of. her beloved, whom God had ftirred up to deliver the Church : Then after a long time, was the voyce Of the beloved firfl heard,when the rumor began to k fpred abroad,that the Medes and Terfians would make war ágaintt Babylon. The Prophets noted out Cyrus by name,many ycers before; that when they ftrould heare him preparing for war,they might not doubt, but it was thevoyce it felfof the beloved, flay 44.28. Thusfaith the Lordof Cyrus, He is my Shepheard, and Jhall perferme all my pleafure . and 45. 1, 2, .3, Thusf -iith''the Lord, to his anointed Cyrus, Whofè right hand I have holden tofubdue nations,&c. that thoumayefi knout, that I the. Lord, thee by thy name, am the God of Ifrael. But the report was fpred far.and wide,before the Kings brought their hefts to Ba- bylon : Ifay 21.3. I was boreddown at the hearing ofit,l was difmaied at the feeing ofit, my heart panted, &c. underthe perron ofthe'Ba- bylonians. And ?eremiah5o. 43. The King ofBabylon bath heard the report of them, and his hands waxed feeble, anguif toóh,hold ofhim. And 51.29. Babylon bath caufed theflainsf Ifrael tofall, foat Baby Ion ß2a11 fall the pin of all the earth. But this voyce fo fearful! to the Babylonians, was molt pleafant and acceptable t© the oppreffed and banifhed Church. Now :for :the fwiftneffeofhis comming it is Paid, Hee came leaping, as it were, haftning over the Mountainson (tilts, fopalling over the littlehils, that hee did not at all totich:them,.' In this manner was the commingof Cyrus, fwift and fuAden. Howmuch bufineffe he brought to paffe after he once, undertook it ; he fubdued the Armenians and Crefus the Lydian, a trice; the Hyrcanians, Baîtrians, Sultans, Carians, Phrygians,and Gappadocians ; he fçarce`touchedwith the tops ofhis toes, They fo readily yeelded to him oftheir own accord See Herodotus, CaO, Xenophon, Gyroped. Verf. 9. My welbelovedislikea Roe or a young'Hart,lo,he ftandeth iehind ourWall, lookingforth of the Windolts, (belting himfelf thoraVt' the erstes. The firft part ofthis verfe declareth the fwiftnefle of the coming of Cyrus ; the later part part defcribeth his prefence, and thatby three circumftances': Hisf andine behind-the wall ; his looking thorow the Window; and {yielin himfelf thorow the grates ; All which fet forth unto ` S; :the befegirrg` of Babylonby Gyrus and D eri:u for three