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AV. :3:' during theCaptivity : o thefe mountains and hils quickly part over; the Tents were pitcht at the walls of Babylon, there Cyrus flood a while behind the wall, doubtingwhat to do : his retinue charging hint, and nothing prof- pering after his defire ; at length, hee loolk°dfsrt&thorDw theAttire of the Wind,Ws; that is, hee took crafty counfell;and confdered fe- cretly, how he might gain the City ; when turning the river Euphra- tes, he brought his army into the City by the channel' foprivily, that the City was take before any force of battery was felt. Neither should any marvel!, that the name of the beloved is given to a heathen King : for what, and foever the Church hath,the beloved himfelf yeeldeth ir, but hee ufeth divers inftruments,onwhom hee befloweth his own Name, that all help may be properly under- ftood tobe of him whole name the inftrumeutsbeare. Vert I o. My Welbelovcdfpake, andlaid unto me, Arife my Love, myfair one, and come away. Such was the preparation farther off; that which is neerer fol- lowech : Firft, declared univerfally in this verfe, then feverally by parts in the verfes following. This fweet.and pleafant fain cation hapned at that time, when Babylonwas taken,and :Bal./haxzer flaint; Medes and '7' obtaining the Empire. See how the Edict of Cy -ee , of delivering the people, agreeth withthis plenfant cal- Ezra I.3. &. 4. who is there among you of all hispeople ? his Gad be with him, and:et him go up to 'Jetufalem, whichisin j.ud=, and build the heíefe of the Lord GadofIfrael, {hee i; the God) which i n Jerufalem. AndWhofoever remaineth in anyplace Where be.ff ourn- eth,let the men ofhisplace helphimWith [liver, andWithgold,aodWith goads, andWith beaJts, befderthefree-willoffering forthe. /wife of gad Which isat Jernfatem. ` Here the welbelovedboafteth or glorieth in thebeauty of the Spaure, and while he breaketh the bonds of herfer- vitude, and giveth her leave to depart,.hee.makrh proclamation, frire, and come away. And verily, though Ezra, a moft learned Piieft, relateth that matter for the worthineffe of it, molt plentifully in the wholeChapter ; yet there the-thing done is fcarce more plain- ly declared, then it is here foretold to be done. Verf. I I. For behold, Linter is pall, the rainis changedand is gone Auray, The levera11 explication is manifefted either in removing the hin- dring caufes in this verte, or by fetring down the helping caufes is the twoverfes following. triAter,or the violent fformé is changed. ThisWinter is twofold;proper,and figurative : properly,it teas aerh that