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C A P. 2. 1efore thew' Departure. fingingBirds andTurtles, are men of the Leviticall Order, which went before the people, force with holy longs, and forcewith fa- erifices, &c. Vert. 13. The Fig-treehat: brought forth her youngfigs, and the Vines with their fmall grapes have call a favour:4rife my love,my fair one, andcome away. Hitherto the meaner helping caufes ; here we have the mightier, and more principal! : As if hee fhould fay; not only the Flower- of the graffe,but alto thefhrubs and taller trees,which fhould guide and governe the people and multitatde, fhould let their hands to worke, and bend all their force to bring back the people. Cyrus refttored to them every inftrument of filver and gold, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken away. Zerubbabel, ?ofbua, Nehemiah, and other ex- cellent men, made themfelves Captains over the people,that by welt ordering, they might bring all their defires to a wifhed end. So i« this preparation here, fhine as Stars , the Edift of Cyrus, the time of the yeere, the office of the Nations, and the divers orders and degrees of the people returning,whieh arc all declared more at large in the firft and fecond of _Ezra; he ufeth the fame compellation or calling by name, in the end, which hee did before, that hoe might Phew, as it were, with bounded limits, in what (pace of time, this defcription of the Spring is included. Verf.14. My `Dove, thou art in the Lees of the Rock, in the ferret places of thefhtires,ft eWme thy countenance, let me Beare thy voice, for thy voycela fWeete and thyfight comely. The delivery it felfe is declared in this one verfe, which that it might appeare and finke the deeper in their mindes, he remembreth them oftheir late Conditionby theholes of the Rorke and theferret places of the flaires : that the Church fhould as well rements'ef to attribute her received fafety to God, who all this whileÿeeläèa her no leflè refuge from the rageofher enemies, then the high rocks and darke lurkingplaces are wont tobe to the Doves. As alto to pat her in minde that (he was not in her own habitation,but in a lurking place, fit to keepe her in fafery in Exile, and not appointedtodwell its. She muff therefore depart out of that prifon, and make hafte to the Palace, which her beloved had built her. No doubr,they exhor- ted one another at that time, that they fhould prefer the promifc of God in their Country feates, before the delights of the place; whereinto they were banifhed, wherewith many were fo taken and infnared, that they altogether neglected a returne. Nowwhereas Eeeceee he