CAP.2. in their (Returne. t t c 5 whereby they might procure hatred to the new returned Jewes: yea to their fraud they added force, endeavouring to hinder the begun work by Armes, Ezra 4.23. Now there Enemies are called little Foxes,tn regard ofthe Syrian,Affyrian and Babylonian Kingc,which afflicted them in former times. i hefe Governours were bate and obfcureperfons, yet could there little wilde beaks domuch in filch tender beginnings oftheChurch, whereby the worke of the houfe of God was hindred, and being begun lay ifill about 27. yeerer, Ezra4.24. But at length thole little Foxes were taken, when riiu confirmed the building, and impofed a molt grievous punilh7 ment on chofe that by any meanes hindred the worke, Ezra 6, a I. Yea there wanted not Foxes, for Nehemiah foundSanb.11at, Tobìer, and the reft ofthat crew as trotrblefome as the former. Firft, craft:- ly iludying privily to opprcfl'e them,Nehem. 4.7. But miffing there- -of they attempted violence under colour of conference, having hi- red the Priefis,Prophers, and chick of the people todeliver them Nehemiah. Thefe were Fox-like times, by the Tetimony of rebid himfelf, who Paid, Nehena. 4.2. Although they build, yet if a Fox go top, he 'ball evenbreake doWne theirfinny Wall, &c. Verf.16. My Wefbeloved is mine and lam big; hefecdeth amorg the Lillie!. That is to fay, we refs quietly in one ancthers love. He is conten- ted with me onely, and I with him alone. Her'icver bath fuch care of his flock, that not likeother heardfinen, he feeketh only graf fie Paffures for his fheepe, but on the delights ofgardens for then'. Then at length thofe Fox-like times received a reafonable hap¡ ie condition, theholy Ceremonies were ufed, and all wicked fuper- tl=itions were valiantly and conffantly refufed, to the which whie the Church app,lyed her ffudy, the (hewed her felfe to deper.d whollyon the love ofher onely Lover. Before the Iewes we;e ba- nilhcd to Babylon, theywere wont to follow firange gods, where- fore they were fo grievoafly and often reprehendedby the Prc,phets, and which brought upon them almeft utter deffruaion, and fo long Captivity. In all which time they teemed no lefhe to have forfaked God, then God himfelfe to have forfaken their fervic,es. But now at length called backe to their Country (gates, they would preferve chafie piety with a more firme purpofr, confront will and defire. Neither would they ever hereafter depart from Cods. holy Religi- on, even with the hazard of their lives, which carne to paffe acecr- dingly, for we read of no tr:-ubks afterward in the Church untill Eeeeeee 2 the