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CAP. 3, after their Captivity, t 007 by the River Jordan. And that wholeTraft is called Bithron,z Sam. 2. 29. as Tremelius and Iunim do obferve. This .fimilitude teacheth that her belovedfeemed fometimes to withdraw himfelfe, yet no farther then the neighbour mountaines of Berber, feated in the bor- ders of the holy land, whence he could quickly come to her ayde, like a Roe or a young Hinde. Ptolemeud Lagi grievoufly affifted Iudea, but it laf+ted not long. Nor was there any violence done to Religion. Afterwards Antiocbm the great, (trove with the Ptole- mees, Euparor and Epiipbaneswith doubtful! fortune of the warres, fo that the Iewes were fometimes conftrained to change their Ma- tters, yet they alwaies profpered without great danger of periffing. Her beloved was not alwayes ready to helpe her, thefe firft 137. yeeres, but he fufferedher not long to complaine, running, ready to helpe her, from the borderingMountaines as need required. C H A P. III. 4444 N my bed by night I fought him that my foul loved.: I fought him, but I found him not. 2 I will rife therefore now, and go about in the city by the flreets, and by the open ii places, and will feeke him that my foul lo- verb : I fought him, but I found him not. 3 Thewatchmen that went about the city, found me : to whom Ifa/d, Have you feene him, whom my foul lo- verh 4 When I had paff a little from themithen I found him whommy foul loved : I took hold on him and left him nor, till I had brought him unto my mothers houfe, into the chamber ofher that conceived me. 5 I chargeyon, O daughters of Ierufalem, by the roes and by the hindes ofthe field, that ye flit not up, nor wa- ken my love untill fhe pleafe. 6 Who is fhe that commethup out of the wilderneffe like pillars offmoakeperfumed with myrrhe and incenfc, Ayadwith all the fpices ofthe merchant 7 Behold his bed, which is Solomons :. threefcore ftrong