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ioo8 The slate of the Church CAP. ;. ftrongmen are round about it,ofthe valiant men ofIfrael. 8 Theyall handle the fword, and are expert in war, every one hath his (word upon his thigh for the feare by night. 9 King Solomonmade himfelfe a palace of the trees of Lebanon. z o He made the pillars thereofof (Elver, and the pave. ment thereof of gold, the hangings thereof of purple, whole mids was pavedwith the .oveof the daughters of Lerufilem. i t Come forth ye daughters of Zion, and behold the king Solomon, with the crown, wherewith his mother crowned him in the day ofhis marriage, and in the dayof the gladneffe ofhis heart. Thé Analyfis. Itherto hath beonefpoken of that milder timeofthe Churchafter the returnfrom the Captivitie, both of thé time necre and far- ther of. NoWfhall befheWeda more troublefome time by theabfence of herbeloved, Which invaine &e feeketh in her bed, verte a. in the tie, verte2. or among the Watchmen of the Citi °, verte 3..but at length fhefinder andholds him, verte 4. and5. And thatfar to the birth of Chrift.The refl of the time unto his death id as it Were an overreeingofthe marriage, Wholepreparing ù in refpci ofthe Bride, verte 6. in refpell ofthe belovedand his becl, verte I. 8. HisLitter, verfe9. r o. Thefolemnity ofthe Marriage Which giveth ua a King Crowned, verfe x t . And his love very comely, &c. Chap. 4. 1, 2, 3, to the 7. THE EXPOSITION. Vert r.By night on my BedIfought himWhommy foule loveth:Ifcugl.t him, but 1foundhim not. OF all the (pace of time until' the break of the day (that is to fay, that day wherein Chrift dyed) worthy of memory is that night, which the Spoufe now fpeaketh of The weaker fort might be afraid, leaf Chrift had altogether forfaken them, now they could not ande hirn tohelpe them, whom yet they hoped to be necre at hand e