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CA P.3..íítvelationof the Apocalypfe. He epifrle to the Church of Sarolis, after the Infèription to the An- gel, defcribeth him thatfendeth it,byfeven Spirits,and ['even Stars, after that he adjoyneth the Narration : Which reproveth him, becaufe he bearing the name, andmaking the fheWofone that liveth fpiritually, thin truthdeadnotWtthfianding, verf. i. But yet it Both Withall teach the remedie : Which is double, thefirft conf f ing in confirming of the re- fidue that are ready to die. For itJbouldcome to paffe that manyfbould die by the iufi iudgement ofGod, Who Would by that means avenge him- felfoftheir carelefenefeoftheright anddue Reformation, verf. a. The fecundconf:fiing in remembring the things Which he had received , and repenting. TheWhichadmonition, leafg it fhould through their negli- gence be ofleffefirength, Path an edgefet upon it by a threatning of his unexpeeled coming, verf. 3. Then after this, he commendeth force of themfor theirpuregarments : Which praifè containeth alfoa reward both proper to them, as alfo common to all conquerors, verf. 4. and 5. Which is threefold, White clothing, A name induring,in the Bookof flifer And a conferng of him before his Father andhis Angels: All Which things are[hut upWith the Wonted rilcclamation. 91 THE EXPOSITION. t. STOW to the Angel of theChurch Which is at Sardis. Sardis is N the recordof the new-fpringing Churches, tending further Southward,and waxing toTome growth and flrength,by means of the more ample light of the truth. The counterpain is the firfi reformed Church, begun by the fpeciall providence ofGod,by MartinLuther at Wittenberg, which is a townofSaxony by .the river Albis, in the yeer r5 r what time that holy mandid withfkand the RomifhPub- licanes, the gatherers and farmers of the Popes revenews , that made a fale to the peopleof Pardonsfor theirfins. The truth began to be revived under the Thyatirianfrate; but no Reformation followed of it ; this was fink ofall taken inhand at this time I fpake of. For which caufe indeed, we íhall findeno mentionmade either of Balaam orof Iezabcl in the three Churches of this Chapter. The reafon here is double,for that they are deer from this Harlots fin, as whofe focicty they havequite renounced. Howbeit, feeing they renounced her nor all after one and the fame manner, but with a three-fold diffe- rence, which is found amongfk them; they are fhadowed out likewife by three Cities, according to the beginning and condition of each of them. The firft Churh of Ajia after the fhamelefneffe of lezabel was bridled, is Sardis. And the firfi Church after the curbing of O2 the Hipo3ri» ticall Sardis.