toiz The _gateof tbe Chirc . C A ro.3, refpeft of others more frequented. And divinely revealed to Eliza- beth in the mountaines ofIudea : as the teflified when Mary carne to fee her. This report is compared to pillars of fmoke, for as fmoke goethbefore the (fame, breaking forth and ariung up like branched pillars , yet quickly avoideth and vanifheth in the air , how thick foever it were : So íhall we finde this report and mens expeeta- Lion thereofaltogether like unto it. As by theprophefie cfZacharie of raifing tsp a borneof Salvation in the howl of David.. Confirmed by miracles, afwell of a Son born untohim in his old age, as cf his fpeech reflored after ten monethc. What feare came upon all the inhabitants of the hill country ? Luke r. 65.68. 694..d-r. This fmoke arifing in the wilderneffe, how pleafantly finelt it , to all the godly waiting for the confolation of Ifrael , yet foulded up in fuch chick, obfcuritie that men could not fee the greateft part of it, whither the . thing fo much .defired would tend. But afterward by the former when the fhepherds and the wife men came Peeking for the new borne Ring , all yeruralem was troubled Luke 2. 18. Mat.z.3.Then the branched fmoke flew upward,.breaking forth with filch force,by reafon of the increafed heate, that it afcended like a Pillar, yet this . fmoke quickly vaniílied. Not that the Church ever failed but be- caufe this rumour ceafing, there was fodeep a filence from that time until' the baptifrne of 7,,h3 , as if all there things had vanifh°d into fmoke. But who can declare how fweet this rumour was to all the godly thirfting for the zWefflas ? Simeon taking the e.ilde in his. Armes andprat ing Go&very joyfully,defired to di ,having obtained that which was mat to be defined in this life, Luke 2. 29. And rruly all Myrrhe, Frank,incenfe, and all manner ofperfumes are unfavory in rtf,ecct of this fweetneffe. Thofe things which hapred about the bit l hrift,could not more fignilcantly and briefly be declared, Verf. 7. .Behold his bed Which is Salome :rs : threefccrs valiant mesa areabout it, cf the valiant of Ifrael. Here is defcribed the provrfionof her beloved before the marri age, which is twofold. A bed,and a Chariot. Of the bed is er.. treated iathisverfe and the next. His bed (faith fhe,nanmely her be- 1 ,veds) wherein he lay himfeif alone. Not a common bed , fuels as; be 'ors, ( our Bed) Chap. I. tô. As allo fpeaking of her own bed, Chap. 3.1. Wherein her beloved was not foúnd. This bed refembles. that of Solomon, fox it was waitedon withas ftrong a g,uard,as we fhall fee in the verle following. Verf. 8".. They all holdfïterdr,being expert in War: *very man hatb his['tarotupon .h s thigh,becaaft offear in the night. Here