Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

C A P4. dt the birthof'Cr i isr. t013 Here the guard is defcribed, to whom the watchanda cuftody of this bed is committed. Their number and nature was expreffed in the former verfe. Now their readineffe,skill and diligence is Chewed, together with the end of their watching in thefe words. Firft, they are called fword-men, ready and ftrong-men, whofe vertue feareth Tno danger. Secondly, they are expert in war; that is to fay, old, hardy,skilfull fouldiers>every one hath his fword.Beds are appointed for reft and fleep, whereby a man for the time is deprived of his ftrength, and all power to defend himfelf; wherefore Kings and Princes, (to fleep the more fafely) ordained watch-men, fuch as Sa- lomon is here Paid to havehad. Which teacheth, that this beloved,all the time that he gave himfelf to refl., was fenced with fuch a guard, as could keep him fafe from all feare in the night ; that is,, from all feeretdeceipts which the wicked could invent. This time of refl., was the whole infancieof Chrift, which maketh a man no leffe able to avoyd dangers then the deepeft fleep that is. Herod making ufe of this night, endeavoured (moil wickedly) his deftruetion : But theAngel (one ofthe mightiesof Ifrael) warning yofepb to flie with the childe into Egypt, delivered him from the jawes of Herod, and the cruel' flauglater of the Bethlehemites. Truly this bed was better guarded then, Salomons. Vert. 9.. King Salomon made himfelf a Chariot of the Wood of Lebanon. Suchwas thebed : Now foiloweth a dekription ofthe Chariot in this and the next verfe. The bed was enough to Phew, what did belong to priv aceufe ; but by this Chariot is declared with what Majefty he would fhewhimfelf to the multitude. The King made thi= Chariot for himfelf alone, although the dignity thereofbe- kngeth to theSpoufe alto. The generali matter ofit, is woodofLe- banon, whereof likewife the Temple was built, a King'. 5. 6. Other things that concern the beauty ofit, are mentioned in the verse fol- lowing where yee (hall fee the application of the Prophccie. Verf. io. He made the Pillars thereof ofJlver, the bottome thereof e fgold, thecoveringofit ofpurple; the mid t thereof beingpavedwith love,' for the dasghters of Jerufalem. Suchwas Salomon Cutely Chariot, whereinhee was wont to be carried in publique, whofe beautiful) and,glorious firuaure is here declared, to exprefl'e that high and incomprehenfibrle excellencie of Ghrilis humane nature ; for this was that triumphall Chariot which he built for himfelfof the wood of Lebanon, conceived in the wo,rb fff.fff a of