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lot4 The f dte of theCt urc1 CAP.3; of Mary ofNazareth of Galile, at the foot ofLebanon, that rightly the matter may be Paid to be taken from thence, whence his hu- manity was built up or framed, yet he madethis Chariot for himfelf, not begotten by the company of man, but by vertue. of[t. Highoverfhadowing the Virgin. Whofe pillars were fìlver, the feats were gold, the coverings purple ; all the frame from head ro foot, moft pure, moft precious, moft divine, and within the ground and pavement, and that which was (as it were) the founda- tion toall the reftoftheframe, was wholly love-of fhe daughters of lerxfalent :.he had, them drawne with the needfe,.or rather ingra_ ven in his heart and bowels ; feeing for his elec`ts,fakeonly,he made him this Chariot of humanity, wherein he would openly be carried ihthe fight ofthe world for men to beholdhim. Verf It. Goforth, O yee daughters of Sion, and beholdKing Sa- lomon With the CroWn Wherewithhis mother crowned him in the day of his of,oueals, andin the dayofthe gladnefe of his heart. It feemeth here, it was the cuftome.forparents at filch a folemni-. ty,tobeftow fome.íingular ornament upon thcrchildren; andthat. Barhfbebrrbeflowed thisCrown.on Salomòn, when he -married Pha raohs daughter,(though the Scripture fpeak not-of ic)fpr Davidwas, . dead before ;; But it [hall better appeare in the new. Salomon then in theType : For the Crown which the daughters of Sioss<arecom manded to behold, is that great glory Which the Father gave the Sonne, entring inta, hisoffi.ce, teftifying fromheaven, This was that hisbelovdd-Sonne, inwhomhe-Was-Well pleated. And likewife an noynting him above his-fellowes by the-Spirit, himfelf defcending in. a vif'Fble fhape and .reflingonhim, Matth. 3:16, 17. The Church (whofe husband he is, andby force reafon her forme, as we have Peen before) put this Croton on his head, by acknowledting him robe King and-Head of the Church.- The Sonne of God, the Lambe which took away the fins of the- world; the Meffsati himfelf, who. had all power in heavenand in 'earth; and whom-the-faithful!-fought, and-obtainedofhitn,to be difpoffe(]'ezl o4-dvils,healed of difeafes,ard a remedy in ail their - troubles.- It vas nuanifeft what opinion they held ofhim, and of what incomprehenfible Ma efty indeed hewas. All :the time fror-thebeginning ofhis office,: until}, was of-his efpoufabls or marriage, as he hatch taught himfelf, cal- l.r..ghis L`;ciplesthechildren ofthe wedding -chamber, and'hinifeff ti, S,tidegroome,--1;1atth. g. 1 s-; -and by the Parable of a certain I rtäg,l*1r.:,.á Made a Merri.igefr, hefon, Mat.2,z.;&c.1 his was the day