to t 6 hefateof the CTiurcl CAP. 4 9 My filler, -my fpoufe, thouhaft woundednineheart, thou haft wounded mineheart with orle of thine eyes, and with a chain ofthy neck. io My frfler,my fpoufe,liow fair is thy love!howmuch- better is thy love then wine,and the favour ofthine oynt- ments then all fpices ! r i Thy lips, my fpoufe, drop as honey combs : honey and milk are under thy tongue, and the favour ofthygar- ments is as the favour of Lebanon. '2, My filler, my fpoufe is as a garden incoed, as a fpring fhut up, anda fountain fealed up. 13 Thy plants are as an orchard ofpomegranates, with fweet fruits, as camphire, fpikenard. 14 Even Spikenard,and faffron,calamtrs, and cinamon, with, all the trees ofincenfe,myrrhe,and aloes,with all the chief fpices. r 5 O fountaine ofthe gardens,O well ofliving waters' and the fprings of Lebanon. 16 Arife, ONorth, and come, O South, andblowon my garden, that the fpices thereof may flow out : let my welbeloved corne to his garden, and eat his pleafant fruit. The Refolution. V %'Ee faW in the endof the former Chapter, hoW the Bride- / Broome Was adorned in the folemniz?tion of his marriage Now the beauty of the Spoa; e is fbeW<ed by her Eyes, Teeth, Lips, Temples, Neck, Erealls, verf I. a, 3,4, 5. The praife Whereof at length isflayed bypa na to a greater perfection, Verf. 6. Andhitherto of the legall Church and the Euangelic.all: the beginning of one joyned to the end ófthe oth.'r. ,NoW of .the Euaneelieall Church, fall and per- ft. What a,one it ,Gould b^ after our redemption, by the death of Chrif and his refurreirlion. O fthisChurch, in the ref of the Garnieles, is a diabled.-fcription; divided ¿ndconjoyned. Thefrff confderethíthe pocal - a and r»+il erent Churches Whichfhould beuponearth,ri.'the fecondcorr;- ocChrii; Which, for the moreplainn.rfre, Wecalt them liffers: the one eider, th, r.ff youngerfifers : Wee call her elder andfirll b.°oorten, -Which