CAP. 4. rafter the deans of CHR I S T. 1017 Which Waal conceived andbrought forth in the Difciples, Whom Chrift colletled, Whichforthwith after his refurret7ion, increa/êd Wonderfully, and isyetgroWíng inour this time: The youngerflua /lfprine up in the lafl age ofthe world,Which Weyet exffeil.The eldefi is defcrtbed ina diverfe fortune, flourifhing, decayed, and reffored : Flourifhing, V 7. 8. 9, g0, I I. Decayed, partly inclining to ruine, in the rift o f tisse Chipter; partly lying dead,in the Whole fifth Chapter : and refforedat length,in the beginning of the fxth. THE EXPOSITION. Vert I. 21ehold,thou art fair my Love , beholI thou art fair thouhaft Doves eyes Within thy lockes, thy hair is as a flock of Coates that appear fromMount Gilead. 1.N the loft verfe of the former Chapter was taught how the fo- lemnity ofthe Marriage began. Now theBridegroome in his own words {heweth how the Bridewas adorned. AB which is but to let us fee the ffate and condition ofthe Church which Chrift him- felf chofeprefent here in earth : whofe firtf arifingwas like a pillar of finoak ; but after he began his office, he came forth in a molt di- vine glorious fhew,ashiding from heaven.She is fir(t commended for hereyes;by the fight wherof,is often underátood Ina' ement,andO,-- derflanding :. for the which the was commended by Chrift himfelf, who publiihcd thofe eyes bleffed that faw the things which the Bride then faw, Luke r o. 23. He alto gave thanks to his Father, that hee ha.d hid thefe things from the wife and prudent, and revealed them to Babes,. Lnke r o.2r. Her eyes were Doves eyes, that is, chaffs and fhamefaft, looking only on her own Husband, as appeared br the words of Peter himfelf (when others fell away) declared he knew not whither elfe to go, Iohn 6. 68. yet though thefe eyes were deer, they were within her locks, that is, they were fo covered with haire, that the brightneffe thereof was fomewhat hindred the multitude of the faithfwll being contemned and defpifed. .This Dove-like cha- ffity of the Bride was fo covered, that the feemed a diforderly com- pany to the proud Pharifes : To anyof the Elders,or ofthe Pharifes believe on him ? but this common people Which knoll, not the law are accurfed, ]oh. 7. 48, 49. Yet this fight was not fo {harp at firff, but grew by degrees, it was alwayes pure and true, but final' in the beginning : They were ignorant of the deathofChrist, much more ofhis refurrecfion ; his doarin.e. allo was oftentimes little Finder- tood : Ate yes not Without underfanding ? Mat. r S.s6. Neither loth