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C A P.4. at the death of C a R 1,s T. dot 9 among the twelvewhom he alto tent out two and two, with the very fame Laws and commandments which theformer had,L41 o.z.The difciples came up from the washing inflructed by baptifine : cleanfed from all filchines offimby faith in Chrift. Laflly,their fruitfulneffe is declared by every one bearing twins andnone barren among then. This belongeth to the fruit which followed their preaching: for the difciples having performed their meffage,returned with joy,becaufe the devils were .fubjeet to them by-that name which they declared, But Chrift fheweth them ofa larger fruit,which they durft not hope ford law ( faith he) Satan as it Were lightning falling doWn from heaven. As if by force violence ( at the voice of the Golpel) he had been driven out.ofhis Kingdom,Lseke to. 18. Verf. 3. Thy lips are like a ,thread offcariet, and thy fpeech is come- ly : Thy temples of a Pomegranate Within thy locks. The dips figuratively do frgnifie fpeech,whofe praife is twofold : flendernes'and colour.Asfmall as a thread& as red as fcarlet,whidi two,fhew the dottrine of thofe times. As in form it was moft pure, Sincere and mc,tl divine;& therfore compared to a (mall (ilk thread: So the matter in a fpeciall manner letting forthhis death is compa- red tofca.rlet.Wito would not kiffe and reverence thole lips, which fpake not of the carth,but of heaven fromwhence they came ?john 3. 31.32. Bleffed were thole times which foundedwith the voice of God himfelf: when all his words were dipped in fcarlet,and all his dofttine as it were coloured withblood,by often mentioning of his fufferings, Mat. 16.21. &c. But thefe(you will fay )are the lips of Chrifthimfelfand ro of the Church.He is the head olthisbody,and therefore theChür.h then fpake with his lips. He that heareth you, hearerh mu':snd he that dcfpifeth yea, defpireth me:and he that dpifctle me,defpiferh him thatfont me,Luke 1.o.16. And thy fpeech is comely. This force tranflate, Thy folitarines is to be defired, for the word in the origina1l fignifie :h both,which word it feemeth the wife Salomon ufeth advifedly to Ggnifie both,for though his words ffemed harfh to the Scribes & Phariftes,iscoming out of a deferr,llopping their ears at his wcrls, i ,e the deafe adder,as itjwas foretold,P/a.58.5.&c.yet their fers'ants con&ff:d , that never man fpake like him. lohn 7.46. No narvell then though the godly hearers were fo taken with his words that they oftentimes forgat to.provide things necefhary for themfelves, 36. Hithertoof the fpeech, now followeth of the Temples like a piece of a Pomegranate Within ber Locks. The Temples are that part of the head which .excendethit fe'lf from ti- Ggggggg then