CAP.4. at the time ofChrils Pafsion. 11 dandy fupplyed withweapons out ofthis Armoury, which was on- ly faith in Chrift, as it is plain, Hebr. i r. through the whole Chap. Verf. 5. Thy tWo breafls are like tWoyoungRocs ,that are twins which feed among the Lillie:. Thefe two breath are the Apoftles andDifciples which Chr=ff fent before him into every City and place whither he himfelfwould come. They were ofa low condition and Pimple at ñrft, like young Roes new yeaned, called from their nets to the office of teaching : They were twins fent forth two and two, all alike in difpofition and manners , many in perlonc, one in doctrine : fee before, vcrfe a. They fpread abroad the knowledge of falvation through the whole Countrey as fwiftly as the Roes are wont to run over the hills. It was but a little time that they (pent in their legacie, yet left they no- thing undone which was given them in command. If you ask how thefe breafts were fupplyed with milk, which they fhould yeeld to others, Theyoung Roesfeedamong the Lillie:. In the company of the Elea, 'which frnell mot{ fweetlyand pleafantly in Chrift, (tor lush are theLillies afterward, Chap:6. a.) they drew abundantly which they taught toothers : Thefe thingsChafffuilice to declare the.con- ditions of thofe times. Verf. 6. Vntill the day break, andhejhadoWesflie away : 1 Will get me to the mountain ofmyrrhe, andto the hall offrankincenfe. Here is the fame time repeated which was fpokenof, Chap.a. 17. The ewes interpretthis mountainofmyrrhe,themountain ofMoriah, where Ifaacwas bound to be facrificed, Gen. 22. 2. and whereon the Temple was built in the place that `David had prepared in the threfhing flooreofOrnan the ?ebufste, 2 C'hron. 3. a. Alfo in thefe few words iscomprehended that wholeHiftory from Mat. 16. 21. unto the end of thatGofpel. Neither are thefe words (1Willget me) without Emphafs : for thereby is (hewed, that Chrift afcended in- to this mountain of his own accord, not drawn thither by force of snemies, nor compelled by perfwafion of friends, for they rather exhorted him to favour himfelf, Mat. t 6. 22. and were moved with great grief at the mentioning of his death, John i6. t5. This Hill of Frankincenfe was Mount Golgotha, whereon that only facrifice was offered to God the Father by Chrift the Sonne, whereby hee is re- conciled to the Elea for ever, Mark i S. 22. Here was the fivord of that triumphant Emperor hung about the necke of the Church, wherewithal! our deadly enemies were Hain at once. Now we fee how this skilful! craftfmam.hath painted out the ftate of the Church Ggggggg 2 of