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1022 71e "lateof the Church C. A P..4. fo long after his time, with more then mortali wit, delcribing the ornaments of her flourishing&ate, comforting the calamities ofher afflited date, and fweetly rejoycing at the felicity of her ettate rdlored. With how divine words hath he comprehended the birth, infancy, office and death of Chrift t Here is the 'ail end of the old Church, and the beginningof the new : For the death of Chrift brought that midday., wherein the old fhadowes utterly vaniffied, never to returne again.. Verle 7. Thou art all faire my love,thereú no fpot in thee. So.far of the Legall Church,Nowof the Chrillian C.hurchonlyas it was at Chrifts refurreftion,(A.7).i4..;& from thence hath increafed unto this day, the flourilhingcondition whereof is declared in theft five tic xt verles r for Chrift departing into the hilt of Fraukincenfe by his death and buriall,.was not long abfent, but rote early the third day by power of the Spirit,andreturned to his own, with whom he converfed 40. day es, Chewing them all things which belong to the Kingdom of God ; making and acknowledging the Church by his ieítruftions :. found,.perfe.4, and abfolute. She was never all faire till,now,fhe was many times.before commended for her beauty, and by the divine mercy, wherein the Father beholdeth her in the 'on,. the is alwaies glorious,.. Ephe/. 5. 26.27. Sanctified andclenfed With. theWafkin?of Water, by the Word. But now the was in.hcrmoll pure and flouri(bing eftate,2V t havingfpot or Wrinkle, cr any fuch thing, but holy and ssnblameable. Now (he obeyed Chrift onety, adding no thing of her owne, neither changingor omitting any of thofe things which he required tobe done and chferved. This perfeâion lafted the firft 300; yeeres :. though fomewhat declining towards the end, -yet tolerable all that 1pace, without any great fpot of deformity. Verle 8. Come With mefrom Lebanon (my.Spostfej .With me from Lebanon,,lookffrom the topof Amana,fram the top of Shenir and Her- mon: fr,m the Lions Dens, from the mountaines.ofthe Leopards. The meaning.ofthis verle will be the betterunderflood if we fart runover the words. Lebanen is a famous hill on the North borders ofthe Land ofIfrael. Amanus far moreNortherly,toward the Weft of Syria being a parcel! of the Mount Taurus, and $retching to theRiver Ifftctu, from whence one may behold Syria, Mefopc- tafttiA, Cílicia, and all the leffer Afia.. Shenir and Hërmon are two trills on theEaftfide, Deut.3. 9: There hills are called Lyons dens and mosmtainsofLeopards, notfo much becaufe wilde beafts did live its:thcm,lut:rather men:.offierceand cruel difporitions,}leathcn laters,,