CAP. 4. intheApoilles times. ioi laters,void of all knowledge and fear of God. This inviting thee, whereby the Bridegroome folicitech his fpoufe to look down upon him from thefe mountains,teacheth the propagation of the gofpcl af- ter Chris refurreelior,whcrby the fierce andcrueli nations (hould be admitted into the Church of God. .NoW the Woolf j oulddwell *iththe L:unb &c, Ifa. I I.6.The Church was before 'hut up ha the narrow bounds of Judea ; The doors were breafts indeed, but they yeclded.milk only to the Ifra-'lites,they were dry to ftrangers. Now the lewes &Gentiles (hould draw together ofthe fame foun- tain,fo that by Chrift both had an acceff-e by one Spirit unto the Father, Eph, a.t.8. Chrift led his fpoufe as it wereby the hand fromLebsnos and the other mountainv,when the brethren difperfed by perfecuti- on,. preached Chi at flirt to the Grecians, Ail. S.I. and II, 20. At that time he was preached to the Samaritans , the Eunuch was bap- tized and `Peter warned by a vifion to call nothing common or unclean, AR. io. 15, This joyful) meffagewent all the world over, but the firlt report of it flew towards the north and Eaft , 'Philip ( the Spirit commanding him) went ncer unto Gaza, but flraight- wayes. returned from thence ro Atotits, Alìs 8. Verf. 9. Thou haft ravift ed my heart ( my lifter, myfpoufe )' thou haft ravijhcd my,hcart, With WIC of thine eyes, With one chain of thy. neck, This eye and chaine are the Churchof, Antioch enclofed with the mountains Ansznaand Lebanon: who by the labour and diligence of Paul and Sarnab,u, and the working of the Spirit, the Bridegroom was with good caufe ravi[hed with this eye which fhined with fó great light, vet the beautie thereof-chiefly gliftered,when forcecon- tending to have the Law j )ynedwith Chrift, this Church withffòod them,. and by 73arnabas and Paul in the Synod of the.Apoftles at lerufalem, maintained. faith only. in Chrift fufftcientto falvation,. All. 15. And then was the chine hung about het-neck, when (he was fir`t called a Chriftian Aî1. al. 16. The humanitieof Chria was before the neck of the Church , now thename of aria is the chaine of that neck. And being a Gentile, yet is now a rifler to the ewith Church. And to thew that (he 'is as deer to him as the with, He cal leth her allo his fpoufe. Vert. a o. Howf.:ir is thy luve (my frfrzer,my fpoufe, hod muchbit- ter is thy love then Wine and`thefinellof thineoyntments then allfpicell Love is taken figuratively for the effects whereby it is flamed: Oyntments are gifts of grace,. which .the Father beftoweth on the Church