Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

1o26 Thejtate of the Church CAP, 4, room appointed them in the Garden wanted this wholefome watering of true life. Which 'altogether agreeth with that in the Revelation Chapter 7. z , 3. and i t. 2.1 &c. and 1-2-- 6. The fountain was leafed tomany given over intoa reprobate- fenfe to-imbrace Ariani me,and others given wholly to fur rftitions new- ly fprung up,whcrewith miferable men were fo .blinded., that they had no more power to come to this fpring.offalvation, then if they had bin shut out with barres and bolts. Now was the glory of the Church much diminished, which of lare4vas all,faire. Verf. 13. Thy plants are an Orchardof TemeQranatt With plea. [ant fruits, Camphire With Spiknard. Vert. 14. Spikenard and Saffron, Cdlamus andCynamon,With all trees of Frankincenfe, Myrrhe and Aloes, Withall the chiefs Spices. This defcription is according to the proprieties which are wont to be teen in apleafant Garden or Orchard. I irft well fenced, and after let with choice trees, then watered plentifully with fweete water, fourthly placed in afrefb ayre, and laftly, fruitful! and pro- fitabl.. In the former verfe we have the fencing : Now behold the planting which confers of two fortsof Trees:Tome for fruir,fome only for pleafure. The one plainly fhewed in the firft words,An Orchard of Tomegranates, the other in the words following With plea;4nt fruits. As there are two forts of Trees : fc are there 'two ,orders of the Members in the Church, one publike, the other private. The Tomee-ranates frgnifie thole which labour in the word anddothine, or in the polirike government ofthe Church. Theplcafant fruits are, the Chriftian Congregationveady to obey their Governours, which though they are not to becompared to the fruir Trees, yet by reafon oftheir obedience and confenr, they much adorne this Orch- ard. Of thefe pleafant fruits there are two forts, fame more com- mon,as Camphire, or Cypres, and Spiknard , fume more fcarce, as Spiknardand Saffron, &c. Ver. 14. The more vulgar fhcw the un- like meafure of gifts, wherein all are not theeye, nor all the care, -s the Apoftle fpeaketh : but indued with great variety of graces -pro- fitable to the perfecting of the body of Chris , 1. Cor. 12.4 5, &r. Themore fcarce are ofthree forts ( for the divers degrees of pr- vate men ) Hearbs,'hrubs and Trees, all of fweete and pleafant per - f .mes : which í1wweth that the Chrtft.ians inc'ofed within the corn- paffe of this kneed Garden abounded in graces, afwell the loweft and the midlenoft a the highcft,every one in-their feverall degrees. The Ornaments t hich Co.ostantine beftowed upon the Church, as Riches,