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C A P. 5. before thebirthofCiiri:ft. ved. But afterhe departed from theGarden, he returned no more, till a thoufand two hundred and threefcore day es were ended, Rev. II. 3. For the Bridegroome muít áe fo long abfent, as the Bride hid her felf. Therefore thofe words teach no íhort and fwift return into thegarder, but yeeld a reáfon why he was not in a long fpace to be expected. The fecondpart of the anfwer be- longeth to his fellowes or friends. Fate (faith he) Ofriends, and be drunken With loves. This word be drs nken, is fometimes in. Scrip. ture taken for drinke abundantly, Gen.4;. 34. or fufficiently, but moil commonly (in the worfer part) for overmuch drinke, depri- ving the fenfes : Thefewords very well exprefíe the flareof thofe times, declaring thofe which boafted to be the Bridegroomes friends, to be puffed up with too much profperity, moil bafely abu- ling it; giving themfèlves wholly to the throat and the belly,as if they were out of their wits. So that whatfoever the godlyEmperor gave for the comelineffe and commodityofthe Church, they changed all to her íhame and deflruEtion. It is moft pleafant to confider how exprefly the Holy Ghoft long before painted out thefe things, which at length fhouldhappen in the Church, the like whereofwe fee hill continueth. And hitherto of the Church inclining to fail, it ceafed to flourifh, when the Bridegroome ñrit departed the garden, and as footle as Conflantine came to the Empire As long as hee lived fhe was in great glory, but prefently after followed the darkneffe. 1029 CHAP. V. ittveg Am come into my garden, my filer, my 2 fpoufe:I gathered my myrrhe with myfpice : 1 I ate mine honey combe with mine honey, I dranke my wine with my milke : Bate O lrgilM friends, drink, andmake you merry, O wel. beloved. i I fleepe, but mine heart waketh : it is the voyce of my welheloved that knocketh,fay*, Opea unto me, my lifter, my love, my dove, my undefiled : for mine he,-,d is full ofdew, and my lockes with the drops of the night. z I have put offmy coat, how flail I put it on r I have wafbed my feet, how (hall I defile them Hhhhhhh z 3 M}.