1030 Theflate o f the Church CAP. 5 3 My welbeloved put in his hand by the hole of the dope, and mine heart was affeetioned toward him. 4 I rofe up to opentomy welbeloved, and mine hands slid drop down myrrhe, and my fingers pure myrrhe upon the handles of the bar. S I opened'to my welbeloved: but my welbeloved was gone and part : mine heart was gone when he did fpeake I fought him, butI could not finde him : I called him,but he anfwered me not. 6 The watchmen that went about the City, foundme : they fmotéme and wounded me : the watchmen of the wals woke away myvaile fromme. 7 I charge you, O daughters ofJerufalern,ifyou finde my welbeloved, that you tell him that I am fick oflove. 8 0 thou the fiireR among women, what is thj wc1 -: beloved more then other welbeloved r what is thywel- beloved more then another lover , that thou doff fo charge us 9 My welbeloved is white. and ruddie, the chièfeff of ten thourand.. zo His head is,ea fine gold, his lockcs curled, and black as a raven. z i His eyes are hike doves upon the rivers of the wa- ters, which are wafht with milke, and remaine by.the full vefels.,. 12 His cheekes are as a bed of fpices, gam. fweete flowers:and his lips like lilies droppingdown pure myrrhe. 13 His hands.rsrings of gold fet with the chryfolite: his belly likewhite yvorycovered with faphirs,, i4. His legs are as-pillars of; marble, fet Upon fóckets offine gold : his countenance-as- Lebanon, excellent as the cedars -. r 5 His mouth is as fwe.etelhilig`si.and he is whollyde- le table,: this is my welbeloved, and this ismy lóvcr; O daugh-.