1o34 Tbe state of the Cbuych CAP,s, it by diligence. And shaking off floth, goes to the door , which en- deavour of hers ( herfingers dropping With myrrhe ) proves to be to God aloft Tweet and acceptable. The ipoufe arofe when Leo I,/aurur raigned, who endeavoured to root out wort-hipping of images late- ly brought in,in the former ages. But Conflantine his fon(A.D.75 S.) in the feventeen councell of Conffantinople (who foundly condemn- ning that hainous abomination by the holy lcriprures) let his hand to the bolt or lock that that out Chrift : which holy enterprife of his flowed withmyrrhe. Charles the great affayed the like at Franck. ford, about forty ycers after, 795. but that which was decreed in thecouncell wanted tìacceffc,for no reformation followed... Verf. 5. I opened to my beloved,but my beloved had WithdraWen himfelf andWas pone : my foulfailedWhen hefpake : Ifoughthim,but Icouldnotfinde him, I called him, but hesaveme no anfWer.. She opened to her beloved, but he withdrew himfelf and was gone. Her foul failed when The remembred how lovingly he had called her. He lheweth himfelf tobe prefent and feen of the Church in the wor(hip by himfelf ordained. This prophetic agreeth with thofe times, when Leo Ifauruu,Conftantine his fon and Leo Coprony- mus endeavoured what they could to take away idolatry,to remove the bolt and open the door to the beloved ; but fo great and fuch horrible corruption of all piety remained , that Chrift could not be Teen in his outward worfhip. The Emperors rightly did their duties to root out that which moll: manifeftly appeared ; but they paft by many greffe errors untoucht. Whole contagion the Bridegroome flying, withdrew himfelf fo fárre oft. They which were awaked out of this idolatry were inflamed with a marvellous deliireof Chrift but it rather increafed their griefe , then recovered their former happineffe. Verf. 6. The Watchmen that Went about the City foundme : they finotc mc, they Wounded me. The keepers of the Walls tookf awaymy vail from me. . Thefe watchmen differ much from thofe, Chap. 3.'3. who (it is like) knew whither the Bridegroome was gone, and might be found again for The asketh them whether they Taw him, but thee fayes nothing to thefe, affured of their ignorance, and would have been glad to have paffed by them in fafery. Likewife ,thole former. watchmen, though they could k'eeld her no help, (failing -in the fame velfell) yet forhare to lay violent hands on her : brit thefe beat and woundher, and reproachfully take away her vail ; who, though 4 : they