CAP.5. about the yeere 788. '1035 they be far unlike in courtefie, and humanity, yet their common name (hewes force agreement in Office. Wherefore they aïe the Rulers and Governors, Emperours, Bi(hops, Prelats and men offuch ranke, as the event plainly teacheth. For as loon as the truth began to appear : in how (hamefuli a manner was the received of the wicked world and elpecially ofrhofewhich would be accoun- ted Watchmen of the City ? She was fmitten with reproaches, lyes and Curfrngs in the time ofGregerie the fecond :by whom Leo *to- rus was excommunicated for putting downe theworfhipingofIma- ges. But by the councell ofNice under Conflantine (fonne of Leo) and Irene his mother, (by compulfionor Intligation of Pope Adrian and Tormus, Bilhop of Conflantinople) (788.) Thee was cruelly wounded. The watchmen within the City are the Ecclefiafficall Teachers and Rulers. The keepers of thewalls, the civili Gover- nours. But in the time of Theodora, the Empreffe, and Michael her fonne, the vaile was taken away ; fo that the Church had neither Prieft nor Magiffrate to defend her. Thefe were the times where- in the Spoufe kept her bed, and was never Peen abroad by many yeers : 'the wort times that ever thee indured. Shee was much troubled in minde (her heart failing her) in the Wine cellar; as before, Chap. Z. 4, 5. yet then the was fupplyed with Flagons, and Apples, nay, her beloved came quickly to her, and imbraced her (ready to fall) in both his armes : but here (he is fmitten andWonn- ded,hcr vaile taken altar andlaidfordead: but no Flagons or Apples, orhope ofher beloveds coming : for no man durft (peak or look freely to tefti(ie his will, much leffe to reach out an helping hand to the truth lying proftrate. The comonHarlot ofRome may then fee how far the is eftranged from this Spoufe, who boafteth fo much of her vitîbility lince her firft beginning. Verf. 7. I charge yen, Odaughters of Ierufalem, if yee finde my beloved, that yee tell him that Iamf:ckoflove. If yeefinde my beloved (faith (he) tellhim (do you ask what you (hall tell him) that I am Fick of love. After the had concealed her felfa long ume, at length (impatient of longer delay) the be- gins afreth to feek her beloved : the goes to the daughters of Ter. - ftlem, her fellowCitizens, the Elec4,-ind theweth them ofher grief; how (he had fought him; and though thee were without hope of finding him, yet if they chanced to light on him, they lhould be- wade before him the miferable fortune of his afdieïed Sporere, that by their tears he rn.:,'ht be the fooner moved to come fpeedily to her Irtst aide