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a036: TheRate of the Church CAP.5;é aide ; vrhichlheweth, that after longGlence,fome godly men fhould bewaile the calamity ofthe times and delire reformation, which was done about the yeer a too. after all mention of the trued) ceafed, being altogether busied 26o. yeeres and more Grace the vaile was taken away. For about that time a Florentine Bithop openly began to lament the Mifery of the Church, and doubted not boldly to af= firm Antichriji to bee come already. Alfo one Arnold a Romane could not hold but with the loffe of his head bewailed the grief of the Spou e. And Hildegardethe Propheteffe,towhom the. Church appeared in a vilion in the formeofa woman wailing : her face fprmkled with dull: by the Prief$s her garments rcnt.and torne the innocent Lambe .driven from her by their fault, and many the flke. Adele unto there Bernards complaints upon the Pants- cles and others. Afterwards rhere arofe many, and more and more every day, which freely profeffed their grief. By whole tongues the Spot4; e declared her mifery to the daughters of feet/fa/ern. - Verle. 8. What it thy beloved more then another beloved, O thou fairefl among Women ? what is thy beloved more tbea another beloved that thou doefi fo charge tas ? Thefé daughtersof lerufalem were the friends of the S'poufe. They call unto her familiarly and lovingly, and ( better fighted then others ) they acknowledge her molt beautifull, being naked and compafled withdarkeneffe. Yet were they altogether ignorant of herbeloved, otherwife they would not have asked what he was. They Phew great delre ofknowledge, asking again and again tobe faewed him. At thecomplaint ofthegodly dofors, the ftudies of the Elect were furred up ; fo that hee which promilèd onely the ftrfk lineaments oftrue piety and Religion, had great companies fol- lowing him. See the multitude flocking to Pctr is Waldenfis ( about the yeer zt6o) a private man, not graced with any ambitious titles. Verf. 9. My belovedis White and .ruddie, the chiefdi among tenne, t ootarand. Shee willingly yeeldeth to their define; hoping to get what file: -fought for, the boner by their meanes. The anfwer is threefold Common, rpeciall, and mixte. Which feemes to note out fo many buses, wherein there fhould be the like knowledgeof Chrili. corn- on in this verfe,taken afwell from things inherent as from Circum- -fiances. The things inherent declare the excellent lweetneffe of tl elvely cokoors ofChttitf,which concesnes thofe timesof the¡val- denfes