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CAP. 5. about the,yeer áfour Lars t 2lò0. lop denfes,when the aforefaid `Peter made his houfeas it were a Schoole ofSacred learning, wherehe taught the Carechifine and f rf& rudi- mentsof Religion ; turned the Bible into their owne language; eradiated fore writings cfthe Fathers, and:by;his diligence and piety brought it to paffe, that at length the beautiful! colours of ChrIft 1hiningwith pure holineffe, and Red with the merits of his death, might be feen ofall men which did not wilfully Phut their eyes. The circumstances are t0000. men attending on Chrilt. For when the truth was difcovered by Petrus waldenfis and his fe!- !owes, the Romane Antichrifì Ieeking by a;i meanes to abolifh the t:uth,f ?read it abroad unwittingly in many oth.erplaces,whofe fruit- fulneffe was filch, that about the yeer 1200. the A16ioenfes du:ft joyne batten with the Antichriftian Bands, which Ìnnaccnt the third Pent to deftroy them, under the leading of Leopoldus the fixth Duke of Auflria andSimon Earle of Mown:fort. At length ''kyrnondTolofarnnit and Petrus King of Tarracon came to aid the Alhigenfes. Then might ye fee the Bridegroom begin to Phew hin felfe again to theworldiattended with r0000. truly Crc;fre- bearing fouldiers? Which had wandered many yeers before folitary and without company. Ve rf. a o. His head is ae the tnef? fine {cold, hil lockes are btil ie and blacl,as a Raven. An other part of the knowledge of Chrili more plaine and evident then the former. For now the Daughters of Ierufalem learn ofthe Spoufe theexcellency of the principal members which the world knew not by many ages. The he+d as tre.moft fine gold, (or, (as it is in the originali) gold of gold) fignifieth as much as King ofKings. For all other wear Crownes of gold upon their heads,which with their Kingdomes may be taken away : but his head is as pure gold it felfe, becaufe it is Eternal! and Effentiall, which teacheth that Chrift would now (new himfelfa King in the Earth. As it came to patle about the yeer 1 216. in that long conten- tion ofFrederick, the Emperour, the fecondof that name,with Hono_ ricer the third, Gregory the ninth, and Innocent the fourth, then pre- fently after the Al6igenfin Warre, that the Kingdome ufurped of the Popes by Tyranny might be rettored again to Chra, the right Lord or true owner. The bufhïe locks are the multitude of the faith_ full, very comely and beautiful: in chore times for their muruall love and imbracing one of another, yet wanting the brightnrffe of ex- ternal! policy. The blacknetfe of the hair betokeneth the Wars,trou- Iltrlrt a bles