1038 ThèFtatcof.tbeChury13;. 5, bits and perfecutions of thole times bewailed by 'Many. As föme of SWeveland at Millie, Robert Groflet Bi(hop of Lincolne, Matthew Paris, Guilibelmtu defanEte Amore Arnoldtu de villa nova cryed out; that all Chrifian people by craft of the devil( had gone a(}ray from the truth of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that the faith which the people commonly had was like the faith of devils and that all Cnriftian people were led to hell. See how rightly they are com- pared to the colours of a Raven,they were fo black and difordered. Neither did this deformity then fira invade her, but then fhe began firft to be acknowledged and bewailed. Verf. a t. Hù eyes are as the eyes of Doves by the rivers of ;,',ecr, Wathed With milke and fitlylet. Chrift carefully lookingon his fpoufe boweth down his head that . he may behold her the more needy and exaif ly. As the doves how their necks with eyes inclining towards thewater when the-y delire toquench their thirf}. And where the fpoufe was deformed al -oge- therwith duff , he ufeth no Tharp remedy,but applieth much mercy and gentleneffe in cleanling her outward hlthine(fe. His eyes aret- ly let, not overmuch Banding out nor too much dipping in,hut fitly placed to behold the whole condition of the Church. Mete eyes of the Bridegroome fo deleetable, were (hewed to the world by Michael Cefenas and Petrue de Carbaria about the yeer 1277. toge- ther with John dePolitico, all which Pope 7ehn condemned : Becau firft,they taught diligently, that Peter Was no moreheadof the Church then any other Apoflle : neither did Chrift leaveafter him any vicar or head of the Church. Which evidently declareth the firft part of the fimilitude, that Chri(f beholdethhis Church withno lefl'e atten- tion, then the thirftie and drinking doves behold the waters with attentive eyes. Secondly,they taught plainly, that The Church loath no power to cerreët any one With coal-five punifhment (as they call it ) much left loath the Pope any fuckpolder tocorrelt,punifh , inflitute or remove any one in the magiflracie. Whereby they prove the Pope clean contrary to Chrift : the one wa(heth away fpots with milk, the other with falt-peter , the one rcitraineth and punifheth faults with the word,the other with the fword,&c. Thirdly,they taught that Pries and elders hadalla likeauthority, polder andjurifdittion: Emperors indeedhadgiven a highdegree tothe Popes , and might take it away again at their pleafure. The Pope raged when Michael taught this, but the holy man proceeded and leafed; not to preach that the Church Was a;ìiving place ofpiety, net