CAP. 5. about theyeer t ;oo ío39 not a race of Ambition. Andfeeing thatfull vefels Height fatisfieevert one, it Was terrible that the Clergie fhould fo fhamcfully contend for honour either With thelaitieor among them(elver. The covetous and ambitious have never enough , but their minde aiwayes thirlts for fomething more : whereby they plainly{hew, that either they ne- ver lighted on that full river,where the Bridegroomquietly rateth, or they are ofanother difpo{ition, contrary to him whole narnethey falíly pretend,&c. Vcrf. 12. Hit cheekes are as abed offaices, asfiheet flowers : his lips like lillier,droppingfWeet fmelling myrrhe. The greateft part of the countenance is in the cheeks , which of Ch rift arc molt apparent unto us, when he raigneth openly in the Church, in holy inflitutions, which he bath given to be kept by his Church till his coming. Thefe cheeks are firít likened to beds new made in a garden, and prefently to fweet flowers, which elegantly fetteth forth the fwifr and fpcedy increafe of the knowledge of Chrtf : the flowers immediately following the lowing. The fruit- full ripening of this feed. was furthered by the preachingof Robert French Anno 129o. Who by many vifions fet forth the lamentable condition of the Church , and declared openly that the Pope was an Idol, a Serpent, a Wooden bead. And the rpoufe which was prefented unto himwith aglittering flyer croffe very beautifull and excellent as well in life as dol-frine. Hitherto the. following member of the verle doeth teem to belong. His lips like lillies dropping tweetfinelling Myrrhe. Now the Bridegroom began tobe famous by the purifie of teaching , which yet durfl not but only mutter and. whifper without lifting up the voice boldly. Verl. t 3. His,ds arc as fold ringslet With the Beryll.: his belly is as bright Ivory.overlaid With Hitherto bath the Bridegroom beenfet forth 'to the world in forne fpeciall members from Fredarick,the fecond to Roberttu Gallus, by almoft.too. yeers. The hands are the inftruments of Aftion, and in fcripture they figuratively lgnifie_ works. The Jems included in the rings feem to lignite the minifters of the word, whichelfwhere Cbri/I carry eth as liars in his right hand, Rev. 1,2o. But thefe.times yeelded not filch fplendour. Thefe things thew a changeand alte- ration of that whichChrif would bring to palfeby the labour of his minifters, as it hapneda!out the yeer 1300. which was called the firft refurreElian of the dead. f or now the thoufand yeers were ended wherein Satan was bound,, and,the dead railed from their graves, . Very,