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ß04a The flateof the CC,urch C A r.5 Very many now beganmore boldly to fet forth the truth : As Dant t:ieFlorentine, Marfilius Pataavin,4, William Ock im,Iohn of Gaunt., and many others. `Philip, the FrenchKing, defpifed Pope Boniface, Lewes of Bavaria, (trove long time with thefe molt humble fervants of fervants for the right of the Empire.' Edward of Englandmade Chew unto many, how little he tfteemed the Popes authority. By the Bowels or Belly, bright as Ivory, overlaidWith Saphirs, may be nnderftood the two Sacraments. For the Word of God is open to the viewofevery one, as the mouth and countenance, neither is it wont to be hid from Itrangers: but the Sacraments ferve only for the houfhold, as the bowels, which are appointed only to that body whole members they are, 'but ferve to noufe for ftrangers. Thefe things therefore, as it were, with the finger, peint to thole times of /../ha wick/iff, (1 370) who taught openly, that thefubfranae ofinet- tcri.all bread and wine remain in the Sacrament of the Altar : theac- cidents ofbread remain not Without thefubjell in theCarne Sacrament: Chri/t is not re.illy iyi the facrament, inproperprefence corporally. Be- rinarius fpake againft this wicked error, 20o.yecres befbre,but the time was not yet come, wherein the hands of the BridegroomeAmid be ('eon full of Rings, whencehis enterprife wanted fucceffe. Vert. 14. His legs are aspillars of Marble, fet upon /ockets of fine eol4: his countcnanc_e is eu Lebanon, excellent as the Cedars. The beginning of this verle, ferteth forth the nether parts, whole chief praife confifts iii ftrength and ftablenefle. All would faite, un- lefle that which upholdeth were fuk cient to beare the weight. Wherefore the Bridegroome ftandeth immoveable onfuchfirong bafes : And lcft we fhould thinke that his ftrength wanteth beauty, loe, the legs and feet arc ofgold So that from the crown of the head to the foal of the feet, hee fhineth with infinite glory and Ma_ jefty. Yet is there no doubt,but thefe things belong alfo to the hif}o_ ry : therefore thefe two golden bates, whereon the Marble pillars are fer, feem to point out yohn Hufeand Hierome ofPrague; as is the perpetuity ofMarble, filch was their conftancy to indure death willingly for the truths caufe, induringa trialt by fire, as the purcft gold. They differed from the Popelings inmany things : but this chiefly bic the mitred fathers, that they gravely reprehended their wicked and lafeivious lives. This was the ulcer that could not in- dure fcratching, which. made them rage fo agaird them : this was about the yeer, 1415. The other Member ofthe verfe, bss countenance is as Lebanon; excellent ao thecedars, His countenance is