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1042 T'be Rate of the Church CAP.6. wards they:were holpen with the writings of many learned men,as the Waldenfes, Albinoenfes, wicklife, ohn Huffe, and Hierome of Trague, with all thofe before named. Laftly, the Bohemians, by whole diligence the beauty ofChrift, ,by little and little, appeared in his members to the world. It was wonderful), how they were prefently kindled to feeke the truth in Englandand Germany, and many other places, fo that all corners (of cur coafts at leali) foun- ded againe with the voyces of them, asking, whither ù thy beloved gone thousairet among Women? Whither turneth thy beloved? Yea,this fpeech was fo generally received, that manydaughters of Ierufalem, which knew him not before, nor touched with any defire of him, now offered tiwir ayde to feeke him. The Art of Printinghapnit g at the fame time, (2440) by Gods a ngular benefit, did greatly helpe to fet forth his fame, which continued yo.yeeres and more,and could not be flayed by any meanes. CHAP. Vi. t~ . _ .. Y welbeloved is gone downe into his gar 4p g g - : den to the beds of fpices, to fcede in the M gardens, and togather lilies. a I am my welbeloveds, and my welbe- loved is mine,who feedeth among the lilies. 3 Thou art beautifull, my love, as Tir- zah, comely as Icrufaiem, terrible as an armywith ban- ners. 4 Turne away thine eyes fromme : for they_ overcome me : thine haire is like a flocke of goates, which looke down from Gilead. 5 Thy teethare like a flocke of fheepe, Which go up from the waling, which every one bring out twins, and none is barren among them. 6 Thy temples are within thy lockes as a piece of a pomegranate. 7 There are threefcore Queens., and fourefcore concu- bines, and of the damofels without number. 8 But myDove is alone, andmy undefiled, the is the onely daughter ofher mother, and the is Beare to her that bare