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CAr. 6. about theyeer I5oo. 1043 hare her : the daughters have feene her, and counted her bleffed : even the Qaeenes and the concubines, and they have praifed her. 9 Who is the that looketh forth as the morning, fake as the moone, pure as the fun, terrible as an army with banners ! I o I went downe to the garden ofnuts, to fee the fruits ofthe valley, to fee ifthe vine budded, and if the pome- granates fiourifhed. II I knew nothing, my foule 1et me as the charets of try noble people. I z Returne, return; O Shulamite, retorne : returne that we maybehold thee. What Juan you fee in the Shu- lamite, but as the company of an Army The Refolution. co much of the Churchcaf down; now of the Church re/iored, in the whole and in theparts. The whole ,as well fummarily, both in . refperi of the Bridegroome, verte I. 2. and in relpell of the enemies verte ;. ar feverally by reafon of certaine members of the Whole body, verfe4, S, 6. The parts are particular Churches, as ecenes, Concu- bines and Virgins, verte 7. amoncß alt Which , ene 'Dove excelleth, verte 8. Aadrush. is the gildefl Sifler.The younger are either a Princefe, or other inferiour Churches. Her condition separtly growing, partly offull age: her beçinnin isfummarilydelivered, vert9. e/ffterwards feverally exprefed,and haw it was done, verte to. I I. I 2. and What b`inde ofone fiewas When it Was done, Chap. 7. THE EXPOSITION. Ve rfe I. My belovedis cene downe intohis garden, to the beds of[piece: tofeede in the Gardens and to Sather Lillies. TN the beginningof the defcription the Spoufe feeketh her belo ved, not knowing where he was : as we have feene in the for- mer Chapter. Now the taketh on her to teach that which before fhedefired to learn. To defcend intothe garden, is onely (as hath beene often Paid) to be prefent (as it were) to be taught with the hands, and feene with the eyes in purity of doftrine and integrity Kkkkkkk of