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1046 Tieftate ofthe Church CAP. 6. Verf. 4. Turn .:Way thineeyes!ran; me, for theyhave overcome me : thy hayre is as a flock, of Goats that appeare from Gilead. Now fhe enters into a fpeciall commendationace: tain members, whereby the civil! government of the Church may the better be un- derflood. This cleerneffe of fight, without doubt, was (hewed in the docirine ofJ:,ff:fication by faith,whereby the Church (not with fquint but right eyes) beholdeth`Chrift,and all his righteoufnes and excellency.And whatfoever excelleth in the judgement ofthe world, to be Joffe and dune() it,Phil.3.8. This eye was very dim in former times, until! Martin Luther divinely drew away thefe darke feales For he wiped away all humane fatisfadions,mcrits, fupererogarions, indulgences,,confidence in their own received wicked fuperflitions ; and Chewed the yoke of the law to be more grievous then all the Popes Buls were able to uphold ; neither afterwards could the wic- ked Councel ofTrent, nor the Germane Interim (forged altogether with fraud anddeçeit) dazle the fight of thefe eyes, but that they coulddifcerne the authors of thefe deceits, fp reading their nets in vain;. neither was our Enrrland leffe (harp-fighted, when not only the Pope, but alto the Papacie, was utterly rejec`ïed, by the autho- rity ofour 70,14s, that moil holy King, Edward the fixrh, ofblefïed memory. We fee the divine beauty of thefe eyes, which at this day (God be thanked) is the fame in all reformed Churches. The common people ofthe faithfull, fignified by Hayre, is altogether the fame, as it was in the fiat Church, ChaP.4. t. fcattered,contemned, put in great danger, which yet by no means, could be compelled to leave Gilead, and returne to Bethaven. Vera S. Thy teeth are as a flock of Jheep Whichgo up from the Tafhing : *hereofevery one beareth tli'ins, andthere is not one barren - amon sri them. The Teeth.arealwayes taken for the Paftors and Miniflers of the Word, as Chap. 4. 2. where they were fent forth, two and two, in- flrudtedwith the like gifts and meffages : A; Sheep are of a milde and pleafant difpofition, and far remote from all ambition,fo fhould.. the reftored Church thine with faithful! Paflors ; the true fücceffors i ofthofe former, adorned with the Pelf-fame Enfìgnes -as neer as the time would fuffer. They which before boafled themselves to. be. Pallors,had altogether call away the charge ofpreaching, and yet thefemen would be heires of the Apoflles;whereas they were (bung teeth ; thefe filthy. rotten bones : they Sfieep;thefe Lyons.Bur at the ngch found teeth fprung up again,fiìch as were Lnther,Melanc`lhon, Euccr,