C AP . 6. about theyeere its"5o. 1°47 Bucer, Zuinglius, Oecolampadius, Çapito, Calvin, Peter Martyr, and many others, whofe names are written in heaven. And verily the truthof this Prophecie, feemeth very apparent in the decree made at Geneva, in the -yeere 155o. namely, that the Minifters not only in Sermons, (which force neglefted, force heard themwith fmall profit) but alfo feverally through houles and families, at a certain time of de ycere, with a Mag- Irateof the City íhould in- ftru t every one, and require a reckoning of everyones faith. And it is fcarce credible what fruit followed, as f f. Aieweth'in the life of Calvin: Verf. 6. As ,a pieceof Pomegranate, are thy temples Within thy This is the fourth agreement of this Church with the fiift, which we have (hewed to belong to the Ecclefiafticall and civili govern- -menr, in the ale whereof the Church reftored fhould be happy, which appeared by the holy Difcipline re(tored again at Geneva, by Gods-frngular-benehr,together with the Gofpel,in the veer 1 541. Which wee alfo fee to be done in other Churches at this day ; as in Helvetia, Rh.etia, France, the loW Comntries, and Scotland, wherein the government requiring holinette of life, according to the rule of dóc`trine, the truth flouritheth fruitfully and inviolably. But you will fay, thefe rimes which we have deferibed; Thine not in all Reformed Churches; whereunto I anfwer,. It is futficient'if we finde force: fach thing in any-one Congregation : for this by a common neceflity, (ball belong, to the commendations of all. And this is the fumme of the agreement. Verf. 7'. There are threefcore O Bens, and fourfèore Concubines, andVire.ins \ithotnnumber: Having fpoken compendioutly of the Church ref}ored force' things are now'brieflypropounded, particularly in thefe twov-erfes, wherein he d'ivideth the feverall Congregations into three ranks, according to their degrees of purity : namely, Lueens, Concubines," and 7/72-gin/ or Maids; And the that comes neereft to truth and Windt; the Bridegroome holdeth her deareft; wherefore the Queens are mighty,. and flourishing Churches; whichexcellthe reft in ourit-y. The Concubines areof a lower ranke ; they are admitted to the Bed, but ,far from the honour and excellency of the latvhill. wives; having no dower then.felves; nor are their children to in- herite. 'fheYiraias are in the, loweit place, as fervantsand hand- maids, altogether eftranged from any f«miliar acquaintance,. they have