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1048, rbeZáte of the CAr,ó, have imployment in the houfe,they have victuals and clothing ; they are reckoned to be of their Mailers houfhold,but are not partakers ofi is goods ; they labour not for themfelves, but for their Makers. It is alfo to be obferyed,'the ,weans are numbred, and fo are the Concubines ; but the Virgins (as of no reckoning) are without num,. ber. This difcraEtion into fetch different degrees hapned about the yeere, 1563. When Iohr. Brentitu and tames eflndreWes, rent the Church in pieces,with that unluckie divifionof that monftrous Ubi- quity. It was before,,fowne by Luther, but he flayed the conten- tion about it as long as he lived. But Brentitm revived it; and three yeers after, Illyricus, and other Doors out of far Countrie,, came toAntWerp, and renewed that error, whereby the face of the Church, even in her infancy, was miferably defiled ; betides, Anabaptifs and Libertines, Antitrinitarians, tell) Arians, and I know not what other monflers, which wafted and fpoyled Tran- filvania, and theRegions thereabouts. The Engliß>> Trip.-,, Scottifb, Belgicb , Geneva, Helvetique, Rhetique,do flourifla(God be praifed) with the dignitie of Queens, whereof the Germane, the Dani/b, Gotique, and Siecveland Churches, and others cleaving to their opinions, have taken a crowne to themfelves, and have gotten the place of Concubines. Among the Virgins I reckon the eArnabaptifls, Libertines, e/intitrinitarians, Arians, and the like, which now al- together miferably wafle and deflroy A1oravia, Polonia, Hunoaria Tranfilvania,and a great part of Denmark.s. To three may be added the Roman filthy finck, wherefoever difperfed. We have Peen the whole Song marvellous hitherto, but now efpecially, when we come to things p relent. Behold then the condition of the reftored truth, into what unlike degrees file at length fhould fall by a great fepa- ration. The Spirit foretold a lamentable fucceffe : this age feeleth it, and every day plainly threatneth a farther departure. Verf. S. My Dove, ray undefiled s but one, the is the only one of , her mother, Jhee is the choice one ofher that bare her,the daughtersfall her and blcfled her, yea the scenes and the concubines, and they praifed her. Without doubt this `Dove was one, of the _9ueenes far ex- celling in glory,and more beloved ofthe Bridegroome then the ref/, adorned with a threefold teltimonie Of the Eridegroonte, of her mother, andef the ref/ in thefamily. For the Bridegroome termeth . he-r-,his Dove, his 'Und, riledone. Any thingmay be one, which is one in manneas,and difpolition, though abfent in place and feate; As the company