Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

CAP. 6. abòut theyeere i5S 1049 company ofthe faithful! are faid to beone, though fevered infar re. mote places, while they hold the fame purity of Doarine, and the likef}udy ofholincffe. The fecondteftimoni.e . is of her Mother, which is the Church and the \Vord to whole diret`ìions this DoVe dothwholly apply her felt: The third tef}imonv is of the ref} in the family. FUJI, of the daughters who are particular Churches which are begotten of this onely Dove, from whom they draw their in- drudións and the whole courfe of adminiitration. Next the 0areenerand Concubines bear witneffe both after one manner, but both very fparingly and more l4enderly them the daughters, it may be through envie ; They acknowledge her fair and beautiful!, but perhaps they keep thebranch to themfelves; as jealous wives often do. All which fheweth how the wills were conjoyned, betweenthe Dovc,the Daughters,. the Oleenes and Concubines. 1-fowfoever there be not the fame degree of purity in all things. But where are the Virgins without number ? Why is there no commendation of theirs rehearfed ? Verely as they are further abfent from familiar acquaintance of the Bridegroome, fo are they more fpitcfully bent againfl hisonely beloved` Dove, neither (through hatred) can they fay any thingwell. Let us fee then a more full.diflinction of the pre- lent Choches which are either true or titulary. The true, are eenes -and Concubines.. The £2eenes again are. either the onely Dove, or snore: and this onely one is partly the Mother, partly the Daughters. The titular Churches are the virgins. Who this onely Dove is, may eafily be proved, if we confider the excellency of the Eyes, Teeth and Temples of the reflored Church, for fhe that excel - leth in the beauty of there members,muffofnecefiiry be that one one- ly Dove. Wherefore not miffing to mine own judgement but to the judgement of the Spirit himfelf :I beheld in this glaffe the Chureil or çeneva, fhiningwith the gloryof this only Dive. For fief} let .us confider the excellent comlinefîe of the eyes, where found ald un- corrttpt dcarine Ihineth, fpotted with no comments of filthy fat- terers,but efpeciallythe chafltryof juflification by f4ììth,wherwith the Bridegroom is chiefly delighted. But thisbeautv;is common tot the other ,,teens and alto the Concubines; Then let us behold the teeth, namely the dottors,like a flock of Cheep, fimple, harm!effe , not dif- dainfull, not luxurious, but content with a fparing diet diligent in teaching , not fo much troubled with Worldly. bufineffe that they can have no leafure for the word and dodrine:Not undertaking the charge of many Churchesand-ferving none, nor may he that raketi1 the