CP.6o TheHate of the Church the charge of one Church neglk& it by his abfence. Neither is any thought ht for that paftorall funetiou which can but only read.Laff- lv let us view the Temples, like a piece ofa Pomgranate very beauti- Idl. The governors together with the Paftors moil honeft men, Watching over the manners of every man, and corref ing them by divine inftitution, not fending them to the Kcm;fh horíe leaches and the Antichriffian decrees, themore to corrupt them, but en- deavour to redeem their fins and pstblike offences , rather by repen- tance then for mony.Neither clothihecommand any idle ceremonies but what nectifary reafon onely requireth. Laftly they which apply all to the authority which Chriff hath given to the Church, that every member may perform his' duty hohly.The Spirit goeth no far- ther in the elder Chnrch,becaufe (as it feemeth) the fhall perfift in that variety which we now fpake of: of meenes,Concubines,Daugh- tars, Doves and Virgins unto the end, wr:hout any notablechange : and it may happen as corruption dayly increafeth,the Dove and the Daughters may be ihut up in a narrow bound. Vert. 9. who isfbe that look rh forthas the morning,fairas the moos. clear as thefun,andterrible as an Army rtith 4ners l Hitherto of the elder Church , and of things as well pall as prefent. All the reff of the Treatife refpc eth things to come, which the more obfcurity they have , the more leave and pardon they crave. But nothing is fo plain wherein the vanity of mat s minde erreth not extremlv,unleffe it begoverned by divine light : nor any thing fo concealed that it can lie hid,if this enlighten him. Thou therefore which haft enlightned the former darkneffe, give light unto there following, that we being taught thy tR ill,and behold- ing the glory of th children may cheerfully and conffantly proceed !n our begun courfe of piety,neither terrified by any dangers., nor deceived by the deceitfull allurements of this world. It plainly ap- peared before, Chap.,. 6. that by this manner ofasking is declared tie new birth or riling up of fome Church, by which afterwards thrice repeated, is fignified, to be fo many arifngs of newChurches, or rather the approaching of new people to one and the fame Church. Akhoughothers alfo are added , whofe aft niption is not declared in this kinde of fpeaking, as we fhall fee in its place. Therefore wee divide the younger tìfler into three parts, where- ofthe fnrlt (which is the Princeffe) is defcribed from this very place, to the fifth ve rle ofthe eighth Chap.The ft cond, from thence to the ninth verle : The third in the tenth and eleventhverles thereof. The frít