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CAP.6. after the yeere 155o. 1051 6111 of the lifters is the Church of the Iewes, whole calling is tobe expe led within thefe few ages. After, the feat of Antichriff (the City ofRome) Bali be utterly deftroyed,which is tobe very fhort- 1y. Hither all circumítances leade, wherewith the Revelation agreech, andmany Prophecies of the old Prophets. This calling !hall bedouble : the firft, from hence to the eighth verle of the fevenik Chapter: The fecond in the reft. The condition ofthe firft is in parr, briefly delivered in this verle, and after feverally in the verles fol- lowing. The generali explication teacheth what kinde of beginning and progreffe there (hall be for certain yeeres. The firit con- verfion (hall be like the morning : The firft growing age, faire as the Maone : The stronger age, cleer as the Stone : The full ftrength thereof, terrible, as an Army. With Banners. 'It is likened to the morning,becaufe it (hall not only beof a doubtful' and obfcure light, (as is the finkbreak of the day) but alfo,becaufe the firft light there- of {hall appeare from the Eaft . for Daniel (fpeaking of this firft calling) faith,Rnmors out of the 6alt,andout of the North,fnall trouble him, Chap. t 1.44. as more plainly (God willing) ¡hall be faid at that place. In which words he joyneth the North to the Eaft, becaufe the ?ewes therebanifhed, fhould gather together with thofeof the Eaft to the fame faith of Chrift. In the evelation,Euphrates is dried up, that a IA 'ay may be made for the Kings of the Eaft, Chap. r 6. i s, After, when the new Ierufalem !hall defcend from heaven, the firft fate!hall be Eaftward, Chap. 21. i 3. If you defire the time of this firft converfion: God hath very much concealed the moments of time from us ; yet I fuppofe it is certainly noted out in the Scripture. And the day drawing neer,will adde a cleerer light unto ir, Dan. t z. 4, &c. But as neeras we can attain to it by conjeFìures, (and thofe not light, as they feem to me) it is to be expe&ed about the yeer 1650. as at the twelfth of `Daniel the eleventh and twelfth verts (hall be laid more plainly. Such (hall be the beginning of this new light ; the progrefiè {hall equall the beauty of the Moon, most cleerly enlightening themighty darkneffe,with a fwift increafeafter the 6rfr appearing, (hining in a few dayes, ¡like the full Moon : as Baycryeth out, who hath heard fuch a thine? Who Nabfeen fuck things ? !hall the earth be made to bring forth in one day ? or 'ball a nation be borne at once ? for as Boon as Sion travelled, !be brought forth her children, Chap. 66. $. The riper age ihall(trivewith the Swine, in glory, light, and cleernef e ; the exceeding brightneffe (hall be fuch,that it cannot be-looked upon ; yea, it (hall be at length terrible 1111111