CAP. 6. after tbeyeer 355o. to5;, as half dead : yet are thereamong thar people both vines and Pome- granates. The hard winter as yet keepeth back the buds, but at length in fit time , the Sun of righteoufneffe (hall thaw that frozen earth,and {hall afford a more gentle aire whereby they may breake forth freely. Vert r t. Or ever I Was aWare, myfoul made me likf the Chariots {orfit me on the chariotof my Willing people. So (hall the people be when Chrift (hall firfì: vifit them. Now he teacheth the fufficient ability ofthe converfion.The_meaning is (that I -hand no longer refutingother mens opinions) as if he fhould fay. I defcended indeed intomy garden, but I verily did fuppofe no fuch thing as at length hapned. I expefted a Ll ubborn and obftinate peo- ple, but after that I found them eafie and ready to receive me , my minde inforced me to (hewmy fell unto them in ftead of chariots, wherewith I might quickly bring them into the Church and reckon them among her citizens. Undoubtedly he added a fpurre to them running, neither would he be wanting to their ffudy, whereby he might fupply that which might help forward the begunwork.There- fore efay faith,FfeJhall bring allyour brethren out ofall nationsfor an offering to theLord,With horfes and chariots and litters andmules and fWift beafls,to the hill of my holineffe, Chap. 66. 20. Thefe chariots feem to be the ready aide that the Gentiles fhouldbring the Jews,to recover their former feats. But didnot Chrift know what the ftudy and readineffe of this people should be ? The things are fpoken hifforically, that their converfion fhould be beyond all expel ation : for as ß¡áy faith,fo that thou maye/fayWith thy minde,Who bath be- gotten me theft ? fecsnx Iam deprivedandam defolate. I have been a captiveand remain to andfro, andWho bath brought up thefe ? behold IWas left alone, theft, Where have theybeen ? Chap. 49. 2I. He film- eth a thing having great admiration : for time will reach many things to be in the Prophets, which we commonly interpret as though they were paft whofe event is yet to come : and efpecially (as it feemeth to me) in the callingof the Jewes : which verily lit- tle conldered of ours, hath darkned (I will not fay,perverted) the proper and natural] meaning of the Prophets in matey places. Verf: t 2. Return,return,O Shulamite, return : return,that We may loohjupon thee. what Will ye fee in the Shulamite ? as it Were the caz»- pany of ?`1ro Armies. The third member of the former cures. The efellieall eallin'. Whichahai! be earneff and thrtifl= on with great enfórcement, .s the L 1111 l 1 a twice