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CAr:7. after theyeer t55o. 1055 faith altogether differing from the righteoufneffeof the Law, which alone while the Iewes fought for, they obtained not, what they de- fi: ed , and in the mean time miffed of the truth. This effe& have the words from verf.3. to verf. 14 Then making a difference of faving and legali righteoufneffe, left any doubt fhould yet Rieke in their fyomackes ; he teacheth yet a little more plainely, why they could not approach to this favingrighteoufneffe, which he faith, is cheilly placed in calling upon the Lord, verf. t 3. How,faith he, (hall they call! that is, How (ball the Ietvercall, &c. But let us return to Salomon. It is to be obferved that thefe words yeeld twoarguments, whereby they may appear properly to belong to the Church of the Iews.Firlt,becaufe the exhortationor incouragement is expreffed in a word of returning: wherby hegranteth. that the Nationwhich he now calleth, had bin before turned away which cannot properly take place in any other, but in the IeWilh Nation. Secondly,of fet purpofe for difference fake he talleth her by her countrey - name, of the Old Salem : Whereasbefose confeffedl through the whole Song, he had notified all the Citizens oftheChurch gathered toge- ther as well of the Gentiles as of the Iewes, by the name of daugh- ters of lerufalem. That is to fay, by this difference it might plainly appeare, that he now turned his fpeech to the oldCountrey breed, letting alone the new inhabitants which are free in the City by Chrift. Fourthly, after the'Converfionhe fheweth theShulamice,by the fimilitudeof Tents,that.he (hall deliver herfelfby Armes from the power ofher enernies,whom fhe,now ferveth: For that of Eze- kiel, 38. and 39, hapneth at the fame time, when God andMogoQ, that is, the Türke and theTartar with all thewicked Mahumetanes (hall utterly perish by the (word of the Converted and returned laves. See Dana i í.ç4. and 45. 9. Whither alío belongeth that of Zacharie. When I (hallftirre up thy, Eons O Zion again(}`thy Tonnes o 7avan, Chap. 9. 13. CHAP. VII.' 44,4141 Owbeautifull are thy goingswith fhooes,0 H, Princes daughter 1 the joynts of thy thighs' are like jewels: the worke ofthc.bandof a cunning workman. trii/V/riP a., Thynavell rs its a,routod cup that want; eth..