Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

io5) The flateof the Church CA P.7% eth not liquor : thy belly is as an heap ofwheat compaffed about with lilies. 3 Thy two brealls are as two young roes that are twins. q. Thy neck is like a Tower of Ivory : thine eyes are like the fith pooles in Hefhbon by the gate of Beth-rab- bin : thynofe is as the tower of Lebanon that looketh toward Damafcus. 5 Thinehead upon thee is as fcarlet : and the bufh of thine head like purple : the King is tied in the rafters. 6 How fair art thou, and how pleafant art thou, O my love in pleafiu-es ! 7 This thy flature is like a Palme tree, and thy breaff like cluflers. 8 I laid, I will go up into the palme tree, I will take hold of her bowes:thy breafl fhall nowbe like the clutters ofthe vine : and the favour of thy note like apples. 9 And the roof ofthy mouth like good wine,whichgoeth firaight to my welbeloved,and caufcth the lips of the an- cient to (peak. r o I ammy welbeloveds, and his delire is toward me. r r Come my welbeloved let us goe forth into the field : let us remain in the villages. is Let us get up early to the vines, let us lee if the vine flourifh,erkether it bath budded the fmall grape, or whether the Pomegranates flourifli : there will I give thee my love. 13 The mandrakes have given a finell, and in our gates are all Tweet things, new and old : my welbeloved I have kept them for thee. TheRefolution. O, have heard inWhat manner the Conver/ion Was. N211, is fbeW- edthe molt gloriotvc condition of the Co;sverted as well by the beau- Ty inherent to every member, yeri. r. 2, 3.4. 5. and the Whole body, verf.