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C A .7. about t)Cyerre'. t55o. ro57 veuf. 6.7. as aifathe coming by chance of the Rridgroeme, dwelling is her branches, vert. 8. and thefavour of the Nofe andPalate, verf9. Whereby it commeth topaffe that they reft perpetually in one anothers love, verf to. And flab tu the groWsng condition of the princefs, the youngerdaughter. The riper age /hall bring Worflsippers in greater member, the occafion whereof is !hewed, verf. 11. 12.13. and the (fell in the beginning of the Chapter folloWing. THE EXPOSITION. Verfe t. How beantefull are thy feeteWithjhooei, O `Princes daughter' ! Thejoynt; of thy thighs are like je,vels, the vvorkof the hands of a aunninf vvorheman. A Particular defcription ofeach member is here begun from be- neath, for fuchihall the progreffeof things be. Heretoforea!- waies the beginning was made from the head.The place ofthe eyes, teeth,aríd-temples:becaufe the firft beginningsweremore famous and fooner perceived, in the Doetors and the adminiftrationappointed: but now in a wonderful! manner, the feete (hall be firft converted, and !hall begin to Rand and walke in the right way, as fome'nótablc reafon !hall difcover, why filch a thing fhould be done. He there- fore admireth the beauty of her feete, becaufe it was verily a thing full ofadmiration, A ílaooe is applyed in the Scriptures to three fig- nifications. ToMirth, Speed, and Liberty. Itwas a liigne of Mirth; from whence in mourning theyeither pint them off, of their own 'ac- cord.As David afcended totha llntentof Olives, his head-covered and barefoot,2 Sam.15.30.0r they werecoidtrained againft their vils as Captives to theviâtors, who led them naked and- barefoóte, Efa. o.4. Speede hath fomewhat a more plain efficacy,for he that is !hoc', treadethmore boldly, and feareth not pibbles or thornes. \Vhere- fore God when he affixed a fpeedy returne to his people, he pro- n3ifeth to bring it to paffe, that they !hall goe with on their' feete, Efa. j 1, 1 5. It was alto to the Ifraelites a ligne of liberty or rather of obtaining their redeemed inheritance. Whereas putting c ff the (hoe was for a reproach, Deut. 25,:9; t o. Whither as it feemes belongeth, how God commanded Mofs drawing neere to him, to put offhis ihooe, Exod. 3. 5. to put us in minde inhow bafe a condi- tionfle(h is before him. A'l:the fìgnifications agree. The mirth Of the people returning, their fpecde of returning, and the recovery of their ancient inheritance, will without doubt be 'a matter of won - derfull glory andof great admiration; fo that worthily the Nations may