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t:O58 71,e .late of the Church CA.P.7 may cry out, hold beautiful/ are thyfeels +, fee Efßy 52, 12, 13,14, I5 TheyThall make no hafte out of this captivity, as when one runneth away from his mailer, or as the Ifraelites in old time out ofEgypt: but with great conffancie of mittide and affured confidenen, fo as the Nations (hall be amazed, and the Kings flu!! ftop their mouches, when they !hall fee that which was not told their; for then God fhall bring to palíe, that his people may enjoy their defolate peffef lions. Efa.49. 8. The fccocid part of the verfè fignifieth that nimble turning joynr, whereby the upper part of the thighcs are fitly tur- ned. Or rather perhaps it may more fitly lignifie a turning from one way into another; as if he fhould fay, the turning away of thy thighs from thy former flubborneffe co true piety and faith in Chrif. Iewels are fitted into many turning Circles, whole artificiali tur- nings doe excellently let forth this wonderful! converfion or tur- ningof the thighes and feete. Moreover they are the works of the hands of a eunningWorkman.See how fweetlythere words agree with thofe of Slohn, ev.t9.11. where in a larger explicationof the fixth viali, that is to fay, the calling ofthe Iewes, the workman is defcri- bed, by whole hands thefeIewes and joynts of the thighes are fra- med. Firfi by his name, agreeing with the fame in this place: he was pleated to take this name to himfelfe,that he might at length declare in very deede, how faithfull he was in performing promifes, and gi- ving falvation to his people. But hence fee, the converlìon of the heart (hall not proceede ofthemfelves, but from this faithful! work- man, who (hall frame thefe joynts, and worke thele nimble tur- nings. Verle 2. Thy navell it like a roundgoblet,Whick Wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like a heape of Wheatefet about With Lillie's. Interpreters refer thefe words tomeate and drinke; but in this :long, comelinefe and honefty is chiefely refpecied : and nourifh- ment isfignificd by thofe members, which they are appointed to by nature. I judge it rather to fignitie fertility,flourifhing frefh in them whole bodies are full of juyce, not dry and without blood. A heape ofWheat, declareth the belly like a furrow, well flored with the belt feed, which watered and made fruitefull by mixture of the Goblet, would at length breake forth into an infinite harvest. Thefe things are more plaine with Efay, cap. 49. 19, 2o. The belly ret about t?'ith Li/lies, fheweth that this field (unlike other fields) (hall not be fen- ced with bufhes andquicklets, but (hail every way lye open, and be altogether fo pleafant, not oneiy _in the middle where the more fruit- s