CAP. 7. iter'thëgÿeer` r55b. 105,9 fruitful! increafe is wont to be, btít' allo'in the ut:ermoít borders. And mat .fitly alto are Hies e joined ro the ref}, fceing nothing is more fruitfull,bearing'often 5o,heads upon one Rooté, Plin.1.21 5. Verf. 3. Thy tWo breafs are lilt tWo young Roes thatare tts ins. Excellent Shall this Churchbe in doetrine: whole miitifters God {hall water with fatnefl'e, 1er. 0.14. They that! bebafe'and Pimple at the beginning, like yóung Roes, wallowing in the loft, when they are firft broughtforth; foras yet a felled Church !hall not be fully gathered together, as by the labour of fomecertaine Apoffles, who flaying in no certaine places (hall go hither and thither to Preach, according as the caufe reduirdth. In the fame' manner as it was done in the firft Church, as before Chap.4, 5. See allo what hath beone obferved upon Efay, at the Taft verfe of the former Chapter. Verle4. Thy necke a ToWer ofIvory, thine eyes like the iJl,- pooles in Hefhben, by the fate of Bathrabbim: Thy nofe is as the ToWer of Lebanon Which looket toward Damafeus. Mercertu doubteth whether there were a Tower of this name. 7abbi Selom and the Chaldc, paraphrafts thinke there was. And I am of their ininde, for all there fimilitudes feerne to be taken from true things and not feigned. Yea, for molt weighty caufes, as anon it will appeare, force more eminent places are chofen of urpofe for this part of the defcription. This Ivory Tower I fuppofe to be the Ivory throne fpoken of' I King. 1o. 18. The neck of the firft Church was alto a Tower, in the fame Mount where this Throne was built, namely an Armory for David and the warre : wherein all theinftruments of war were put, as before Chap.4. 4. But this Tower is Solomon!, of peace, not ofwar; ofJudgement, not of Ar- mour. That though triumphing, yet afflicted with many troubles of warres, This,her enemies overcome very eafily,fhall raigne in peace likeSolomon: for fuch a flourishing eftate doe the Prophets promife this Church, all her enemies put to flight, Efay 41. 14, 15. Icr. 30. ;1. Ez -ch, 39. 3,4. 25. c"c Thine eyes like the pppooles in Prep,- bon. Tremelinc tranilateth it appellatively, to moil artificiall filh- pooles. But I fuppofe thofe places to be noted out by name, chiefely for this reafon, that by choofìng out of force notable pla- ces (as we (hall fee) Solomon feemèth to appoint out the territo- ries and borders of that land, which the 7eWes at length (con- verted to Chrift, delivered from the Nations and reftored to their Country fates ) ;hall obtaine proper and their owne. But what Mmmmmmm l,,vill