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CHA. gv 4 `., `yt1">l$Zl -'IÓCC that there (hallbeat length an infinitemhltitkre'of this' people ga- thered to the truth by repentance. It might kern haith to compare the,Nofe to a Tower, but that theCounfc It of the fpirit;ativaies puts us in minde that things and places'arec'hofen whereby the borders thedand-may be decribed, Ter. 3i. 8. EJá. 49.2o. The houle of Libanwr is famous in the Scripture. But that the Tower thereof looketh toward Damafctu feemeth to he added for-difference fake. There were two houles of the forreff OfLcbanó r,one built on the hill as this place plainely fheweth,See, 2 Chro. 9. i t3,17, a 8. Another at ferttfalem (in the forreft) not far from'the' houle of S. lornon,which for likeneffewas called the houle oldie forreft of Lebanon whereof mentionis made, King. 7.2. For the wholeprovifron wherewith Salomon built this houle, proveth thatto be another from that in Lebanon. 1 Kinr. IO. 17,21. What need fltehl}tmpi'ru`ouShoufbolel ftulfe in houles fo farre afunder : -when 'there was fcarce any hope that the Kingwould fee them twice?But moll cleerely Shifbackcar- tied away thefhieldlofgoldwhich We/v.fou»d'Irt°the hotdfe of the form ref} of Lebanon, I King. 14.26. It feemeth that houle was then in the power of Rchoboani and at'Ierttfalern ; for the King of 'Egypt went rio farther. And doubtlefte the ho`tife ofMeant Lebanon,tn the falling awayof the ten Tribes, ceafed tobe of the Dominionof"Xe- hoboam. But in this place iris tiled-to let forth the North border of theholy land to the Eaft,as the Hebrewer inmy judgement do right- ly interpret it. Vert 15. Thine. headum' thee is Ik' Carmen and the /mire of thy head like purple. The Kind is hívld in the Gutters, or in the Galleries. Carmel is aMountain of Phenicia, not far from Lebanon, known to Strabo and Ptolemy. Here then take the weft fide, in which no- thing fallethout more fitly then this Mountain, which may be corn- pared with the head. Twice before, by the hairewe underftood the multitude of the faìthfull tobe fignified.There they were like Goiter appearing from Mount Gilead; here like fine flax ofpurple die, as ifevery one then Ihould be a Prince, and endued with. Princely dig- nity,whereof purple is the ligne. This Church before was ,called a Princes daughter, and Saint John calleth the faithfull Kngs. But Zacharie more plainly faying,The baref among them fbal be afDavid, Zachr12.'8 God forbid that I fhould through envie conceal any thing that the Spirit feerneth to will, and fhould nor rath r with ray whole heart rejoyce at this excellent glory of my brethren, 'though Mmmmmmm a behold-