CAP.7, after dyeÿeere 155®. io6 belongeth to the Hiftory, and (heweth this Church to be moil: ex-. talent, not only in the praife ofcertain members, but to he admired in the beauty and properneffe of the whole body. Verf. Thts thy flature it like to a Palm-tree : and thy breafgs to augers ofGrapes. Theft.words altobelong:to the generali commendation : for Sta- ture is the heighth and talpeffeof tine whole body, whereby it reach- eth up onhigh, which is not wont to be confidered in the fluff yeers, but when the body is come to its full !growth; fhe therefore is faid to be like a `Palm -tree, which groweth upward, with what weight focver it be preffeddown : So this Church (hall be advanced cheer- full and famous, vet after much toyle and labour for it cannot be, but in the beginning (he (hall meet with many moll mortal! enemies, Gog and Magog, the Mahumetan people, which (hall give an oeca- fion of the utter ruine and riddance ofthat molI mifchievous Tyrant; yet (hall the Church receive no bon thereby, but in defpite of all, (hall rife up,and attain to a julf degree ofdignity. Thy breath (faith he) are like cluflere of grapes. Before the breads were like youag Roes ; but now, when the Church flìall begin to be fettled, the breath (ball be changed into cluflersof Grapes, molt plentiful( and pleafantfountains: for G rapes full ofjuice,being preffed,run all into liquor) yeelding abundance of plenty and pleafure, as well for ne- ceffity as delight: Verf. 8. I ¡aid, I Will,go up to the Palm-tree, IWill take holdofthe boughsthereof : al(o thy breas fleall be as the cluflers of the vine, and the rmell of thy no(è like Apples. Now are otherornaments remembred,, as of the Brideg.rcome dwelling in the branches of this Palm-tree. The declaration of the Break,Nofe, Palate ofthe Spoufe, and the mutuall defìrewhere- by they wholly reff in one ano.hers love : we haveoften laid, how they both delire to expreffe themfelves one toward another, not on- ly to (hew their mutual( love, butalfo, how the faithful! areafiAed towards the Church : As in this place, where the Bridegroome having a purpofe and dettermination toclimb this 'Palm- tree, he fheweth thereby, what the faithful! (hall wifh for, after they (hall fee the Church fettledand confirmed, how defirous they (hall be to dwell in her branches, and to gather her. fweeteff fruits : As Iffy faith, Chap. 49.18. andZachary, Chap. 8., z3. The nations (hall de- fare to be exalted in the heighth of her profperity ; whence it is faid in the7evelations, Chap.zi. 24. They (¡hall bring their glory to