Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

A after tß2 yeere r.5 5 v. 1065 (hall find him .again Co kinde and loving, as if he wholly applied himfelfto this only Care. . Verf. I I. Come my beloved, letradgoforth into thefield,lct sts lode in the vill4ex : or, amonV the Cjpref ee trees. . o much of the firft calling, now followeth the fecond :' that which remaineth of the Chapter is a preparation of this fecond calling, which doth wholly..fet forth the Spoufe her inviting the, Bridegroore into the countrey, Chewing, that thefe fiat fruits of the 7ewes 'hall bu rite with great delire to win the reft,of their nation, and Mall not ceafe till they bring it to paffe. But why doth the Spoufe &dire the countrey ? Is (he weary of the city ; or doth de- fire a more fre(h ayre ? Indeed they that are long pend up in the city, are wo,t often times, for their mindes fake, to avoid company, and defire folitary reft ; but this going, into the fields or villages, feekethnot pleafüre fo much, as it itirreth up to newwork and la- bour.If fhe had defired it,to avoid the heat of theSnnne,or for plea.: font banquetring,whereto ferveth this lodging abroad ? She there- fore goeth.a hunting, not to catch.wilde beafts, but men ; very ma- ny laves were yet bufi.ed in the countrey without the holy City, for whom all this watching and trouble (hall be undertaken ; that they, may be ga.thére,d intoone (beef fold,and fitted intoone body,ofChrift with their brethren. This vocation (hill fo much exceed the for- mer, as the open fields exceed the city, or the whole multitude a fmall company; Daniel; Chap. 12. r2, the time thereof 45. yeers after the firft,which will happen about the veer r700. The exalt time cannot be fet downe, it is enoughfor us, if we come nett the truth. Vert I z. Let us get up early to the vineyards ; let nt fee if the vines ,ourif7s: Whether the tender graperappear, and the Pamerranats kudforth,thereWill Jdive thee my love. That which the Bride lately entreated,now (he urgethwith cer- tain reafons. The endof the journey and the full acquaintance in this verfe,, The perfedtion of all delights in theverft following. The endof being in the country is that íhe might arife early to the vineyard. It was form trouble ro watch among the yprefíe trees, but this addeth more,to go forth fo early to the vines : wherein we learn,herchiefeft care was in gathering there citizens of the fetand order, wherein (he fpared no labour or diligence : the will' goe into the country, not refitting the tedioufne(fe of the long journey = the Will endure thedifcommodity of watching in the villages and that nothing