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1o65 The Bateof the Church C A P.7: nothing be wanting by her will, the will arife early in the morning o difpatch the bufìneffè, and which is more to be admired , whiles yet no harvtft appeareth which might worthily require the painful' labour ; Efay mentioneth this defire, when after the fore-{hewed great glory of the reformed and much adorned fpoufe beholding in the Spirit the full converfionof the whole nation, he cryeth our Go thorovv,go thoroW thegates,prepareyou the vvay of the people ; caft ttp,cafl up the bighvvay,gather out theflones, lift upa flandardfor the people, chap. 6z. to. By which doubled words he iheweth their in- credible defire otgathering the reliques and bringing them into one Church.The vines,grapes and Pomgranates are theele6t of the Jews, whole prone readines to imbrace the truth is like a moil pleafant fpring, the cleft had tried their winter, which deprived themof fruit and leaves,that they could fcarce be known from dead trees. The fecond member of the verfe fheweth another reason of go- ing into thecountry, There ( faith (he) I will give my loves to thee, that it is to fay, I will (hewmy felf freely to thee that thou mayefk delight thy felf in my company : for to give one my love honeifly and ihamefaltly,is to give him full Power over me,Therforethe glory of Chrifts Kingdom (hall not be tull till this ruftication. Verf. 13. The Mandrakes give afinell, andat our are all manner of pleafantfruits, neW and old, Which I have lai up for thee, O my beloved. Mandrakes faith Plinie have a ftrong finell,but here is no commen- dation of the fent , but mention is made ofit only toPhew the bud- ding and growth thereof. It is a cold herb drowfie and lateward; it feems it grew in the fields in the landof Canaan, RubenfoundAlan- drakes in thefield, Gen. 30.14. They are alto oppofed in this place to thofe more delicate fruits which areplanted neer thehoufe,as wel for delight as for more eafie keeping.The new& old fruits have a plain meaning.An excellent divifion of the citizens feemeth here to be fet forth, whereoftome are tar fcattered in remote colonies,like Man- drakçs growing in the open fields ;others like domflique milderfruit, which by vicinity or neer neighbour-hood yeeld more plentifull de- l.ghts. Some again are newly frelhi planted into the Church , like Mandrahcs, cold and lateward herbs fpringing more flow! , filch !hall. the Jews be lathy called,which {hall more lately {hake off their drowlïneffe, Some are elder,who shall yeeld their names to the firul calling, and E end their time in the received truthfomewhat before the reft shall cotr.e in.This (hall be a molt pleafa-nt beholding to the elders